Nice video, as always. But hey, I keep Dustwallow Marsh close in my heart due to nostalgia reasons. I still remember leveling here on my first main, a human paladin, and dinging 40 and finally getting that mount/plate armor. Good times!
It looks like the Badlands are next, hoping that zone is better with lot. With how the drops worked in this zone, I'd call Dustwallow the real bad lands.
love these vids. Cant wait for next one- Ive planned to go out of my way to kill as many of the rare elites as possible come classic.! Cheers. thanks Huzzah
Hej! Awesome Video as always. But have you ever thought about making a video with a character of the same level? So you can actually see the difficulty of the creature. I'm not sure whether you are playing on an extern or your own private server. That's why I'm asking. Still, love your video and especially your soothing voice. You have no idea how well I can watch the video of yours and then fall asleep greetings from Germany!
Love this series man! I hope you finish it. Sad I didn't start watching when you were making content. I'd love to see Feralas. I just killed the rare Silithid Qirot there.
Experimenting with new camera techniques in game, let me know what you think of them!
Take a shot every time Huzzah says "Random green"
Random green merch?
I believe i knew for all those rares. Maybe the rot. I am unsure for him.
I forgot to ask, now that you're back, how is your game project coming along?
Very cool as allways! Thanks for keep hyping us up!
i love ya vids man keep it up.
Agree with your comment of the zone
Nice video, as always. But hey, I keep Dustwallow Marsh close in my heart due to nostalgia reasons. I still remember leveling here on my first main, a human paladin, and dinging 40 and finally getting that mount/plate armor. Good times!
Oozeworm? Oh shiiiiiiiiit look at that orange bastard I bet he gonna drop somethin' good. A random green? Aw hell!
Oh boy I can't wait to see what unique loot the rares in this zone will drop!
Doesnt ripscale have a chance of 0,x% to drop a blacksmith recipe? As far as I can recall its one of the rarest items in the game
It looks like the Badlands are next, hoping that zone is better with lot. With how the drops worked in this zone, I'd call Dustwallow the real bad lands.
love these vids. Cant wait for next one- Ive planned to go out of my way to kill as many of the rare elites as possible come classic.! Cheers. thanks Huzzah
Hey your silverpine forest video doesn't have a map, could you link it in a reply please <3?
If I could change one thing about Classic WoW it'd be to give rare mobs more unique loot.
Love the new camera techniques! Anything to help me find the mob is great! I think the camera pan with Ozzeworm is the best
This reminds me of mankriks LINE
Hej! Awesome Video as always. But have you ever thought about making a video with a character of the same level? So you can actually see the difficulty of the creature. I'm not sure whether you are playing on an extern or your own private server. That's why I'm asking. Still, love your video and especially your soothing voice. You have no idea how well I can watch the video of yours and then fall asleep
greetings from Germany!
"i'm going to get through this as quick as possible", camera slowly pans across random mob
Brimgore, what a badass name.
love your video style
the slower pace, camera tours, music, exact location on the map AND 10 creative ways to say that these damn suckers only drop a random green
I just wanted to ask you about the steamwheedle game?
Can we play it anytime soon?
Love this series man! I hope you finish it. Sad I didn't start watching when you were making content. I'd love to see Feralas. I just killed the rare Silithid Qirot there.
where is the rest of the rare locations bruv? @Huzzah
Why all these videos be hiding the good loot
Really diggin these videos can't wait for more
Rly cool video dude thx
Any chance in classic wow to get a young Dart companion ?
are you sleeping?
Damn that's some epic music from the start on, where did you get this?
Thanx a bunch, now i have something to do.
This is why classic and tbc aren't worth playing
Fantastic video my friend.