Von Huzzah

33 Gedanken zu „WoW Classic – Rare Mob Locations + UNIQUE LOOT – Dustwallow Marsh“
  1. Nice video, as always. But hey, I keep Dustwallow Marsh close in my heart due to nostalgia reasons. I still remember leveling here on my first main, a human paladin, and dinging 40 and finally getting that mount/plate armor. Good times!

  2. Hej! Awesome Video as always. But have you ever thought about making a video with a character of the same level? So you can actually see the difficulty of the creature. I'm not sure whether you are playing on an extern or your own private server. That's why I'm asking. Still, love your video and especially your soothing voice. You have no idea how well I can watch the video of yours and then fall asleep 😀 greetings from Germany!

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