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Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Geschäft) Check …
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o cara botou um Não vá! na thumb kkkkkkkkkkkk
Wen i saw the thumnail in portuguese, at first i though it was auto traducing to my language but then i remember that is not possible
I like how the thumbnail has my laguage <3 Thanks Lethamyr!
Ah day 6 of no custom maps or modes or mods of any kind
Also, in Europe you are queueing most of the time to a people who speak a different language, meaning that I'm 100% of the times talking English in Rocket League in-game.
I was hoping the person didn’t understand a word of English and y’all still made it work lol.
going for that back right mid
I'm brazilian and since vc dropped I finally got the chance to comm with my US pals, and it's SO hard. my brain has to split in three: one focusing on gameplay, one thinking about words in portuguese and another translating into english, all of it as fast as I can. sure leads to a lot of laughs though lmao
I wish I had even 10% of your gamesense.
Awesome Job on the intro and the edits! Keep up the amazing work!
Bro, loved it, im from Brazil and could understand every part of the comms HAHAHAHA, dude really went full portuguese gaming
I love having voice chat, even with other people that dont speak the same language. Because putting the ball in the back of the net is a universal language well all underatand
Welcome to the pain of europe while being English/Polish
man this was so funny wth, as a brazilian it was so cool seeing both english and portuguese comms at the same time, sure one of my favorite videos this month
GC and SSL: much harder to compete in due to voice chat working so well
Champ and below: inserts tumbleweed
Whats the song at 2:50 called, couldn't find it with Shazam.
Can you add me on discord please
Me as a native Portuguese speaker: discount Indian accent
PAN as a native Portuguese speaker: French accent but sexier
who could've guessed that one letter would make such a difference…
You must unretire
Leth is probably the poster child for the best of this community. There are so many players that would trash talk that dude for not scoring, even while he has 140 ping. Love when people like Leth play the game and just try to make everything work together and not just teammate shame or blame.
This thumbnail bugged me so hard lol
I actually played with someone who only spoke Spanish and proudly used my two semester of college Spanish to comm with him. “Direcho! Soy Arriba! Necesito Boost!”
I'm Portuguese and could barely understand anything he said, to be honest.
Ok, agora cadê os br.
Just wait for the invasion leth. We like a lot when we appear in non Brazilian videos, just you wait hahahah
I might dedicate learning Spanish, like out of school just for this. NA servers may have more Latin-Americans than most other regions that most of us are in, so comms would be easier for moments like this. I took Spanish 1 and 2, but I'm still not very fluent lol
always disappointed when you skil comp matches but this was a great video!
Voice chat is such a good upgrade for the ranked videos for me. Imma be honest I never really enjoyed the ranked videos but with the vc it's super enjoyable
Btw Leth u should try to use the jump button only to move forward and no acceleration button as a challenge
Plano de vida chegar em SSL pra cair com o Leth.
Hey Leth – this may sound weird but I think it would be super helpful if you made a video about camera control lol. It's not really covered much, but for some reason I have a hard time feeling comfortable taking the time to use my camera analog stick. It may be interesting to touch on because I think it's an actual legitimate skill in awareness.
I don't hear any different language
i play on EU. the languages ive encountered the most are english, french and arabic. luckily i speak all three.
Could you coach me. I'm plat and it would make a great video. Plus you won't regret it iether
Try a European lobby. Just ask people to speak their native language and enjoy the cocktail
To be fair even I who am a native Portuguese speaker couldn’t understand him

"i got 7 boost,
7 boost with a dream"
Only like 1/3 of the ppl in diamond use voice chat
they bringed back voice chat ?
não vá is vietnamese words
This has taught me so much about how important backboard really is
It’s fun because I’m learning french and Spanish so it’s pretty cool getting to chat with them
"Vou esperar no gol", "nice
I have nostalgia from living in Portugal as a younger lad. Thats totally wht brought me here faster lol
That game you played with GASTRICKRILL was legit the most entertaining comms i have heard in an RL game
Portuguese comms were so fun for me to watch, because thats my main language
Idk why that brought me so much joy
I would love to see a twos tournament where the teams comm in their native languages.
9:50 leth reminded me of the turtle moaning meme
I don't like the voice chat very much. I'm p3 and a minor and I got cussed out by some guy in has early 20s
here is the brazilian comment you've been waiting for.
eu vi a thumbnail e fiquei tipo "nem fudendo" KKKKKKK muito foda ver os brasileiros sendo reconhecidos na gringa, eu moro na inglaterra e no servidor europeu o mais próximo que eu acho é italiano e português (portugal) :')