Von Lethamyr

49 Gedanken zu „Rocket League Voice Chat, but we're speaking DIFFERENT LANGUAGES“
  1. Also, in Europe you are queueing most of the time to a people who speak a different language, meaning that I'm 100% of the times talking English in Rocket League in-game.

  2. I'm brazilian and since vc dropped I finally got the chance to comm with my US pals, and it's SO hard. my brain has to split in three: one focusing on gameplay, one thinking about words in portuguese and another translating into english, all of it as fast as I can. sure leads to a lot of laughs though lmao

  3. I love having voice chat, even with other people that dont speak the same language. Because putting the ball in the back of the net is a universal language well all underatand

  4. Me as a native Portuguese speaker: discount Indian accent
    PAN as a native Portuguese speaker: French accent but sexier

    who could've guessed that one letter would make such a difference…

  5. Leth is probably the poster child for the best of this community. There are so many players that would trash talk that dude for not scoring, even while he has 140 ping. Love when people like Leth play the game and just try to make everything work together and not just teammate shame or blame.

  6. I might dedicate learning Spanish, like out of school just for this. NA servers may have more Latin-Americans than most other regions that most of us are in, so comms would be easier for moments like this. I took Spanish 1 and 2, but I'm still not very fluent lol

  7. Hey Leth – this may sound weird but I think it would be super helpful if you made a video about camera control lol. It's not really covered much, but for some reason I have a hard time feeling comfortable taking the time to use my camera analog stick. It may be interesting to touch on because I think it's an actual legitimate skill in awareness.

  8. here is the brazilian comment you've been waiting for.

    eu vi a thumbnail e fiquei tipo "nem fudendo" KKKKKKK muito foda ver os brasileiros sendo reconhecidos na gringa, eu moro na inglaterra e no servidor europeu o mais próximo que eu acho é italiano e português (portugal) :')

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