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Nerf holy priest !
U trash trolls. Rmp is the most roken comp. As always. Only noobs die vs locks
affliction and mm hunters are both extremely underrated in this list, granted they perform best in rbgs, but this list makes them look like bad pvp classes overall and thats insane lol
Nerf h priest. So broken
@Skill Capped WoW Guides cant u guys start doing some separate 2v2 tier rankings since that bracket has started to grow ALOT
Unholy Dk abomination lasts way to long
could you do a 1v1 tier list?
Its only 4,99 if you sub 1 yeahr so pls dont talk shit
Is there still a massive discrepancy between honor gear and people with conquest gear? I remember getting my honor gear and it basically not mattering at all – that coupled with basically not being able to ladder in casual 2's because everybody is paying for boosts is basically why I'm not playing the game.
I hate that these rankings are based off of comps they go in instead of their standalone potential. Ranking down two specs because of nerfs to specs that they team with tells me your tier system needs to be labeled a comp ranking system instead of an individual spec ranking system.
Idk man when spriest plays right that shit pumps and is tanky af
So I should swap my Arms War to Fury for Turbo cleave
Considering that all games, except one, had an outlaw rogue last weekend in the awc, I think it is safe to assume they're by far the best and most diverse melee and class in the game. The ladder just hates playing it.
And for the one game an outlaw wasn't played, the rest of the series had an outlaw after they switched comps, and most series had 2 outlaws, with some having THREE.
What's the name of the addon Cdew is using as hpala in the left lower corner?
Holy has a stun and a fade, and disc got … nothing.
There was almost no Dks on Awc . Most Player combs are mage Rouges locls even Team liquid didnt let play Mes most of the games.
can u guys tell me why i have the lowest dps as fury in arenas ? hat im doing wrong lol
unh dks are nerfed lol
How far have we fallen to have Holy Priests in the S tier. Old school Disc will always be king fellas.
affliction deserves more love its super strong in 2's