20 Gedanken zu „9.2.5 PvP TIER LIST FINAL UPDATE! (Shadowlands Season 3 Ending)“
  1. Is there still a massive discrepancy between honor gear and people with conquest gear? I remember getting my honor gear and it basically not mattering at all – that coupled with basically not being able to ladder in casual 2's because everybody is paying for boosts is basically why I'm not playing the game.

  2. I hate that these rankings are based off of comps they go in instead of their standalone potential. Ranking down two specs because of nerfs to specs that they team with tells me your tier system needs to be labeled a comp ranking system instead of an individual spec ranking system.

  3. Considering that all games, except one, had an outlaw rogue last weekend in the awc, I think it is safe to assume they're by far the best and most diverse melee and class in the game. The ladder just hates playing it.

    And for the one game an outlaw wasn't played, the rest of the series had an outlaw after they switched comps, and most series had 2 outlaws, with some having THREE.

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