Von Huzzah

30 Gedanken zu „WoW Classic – Rare Mob Locations + UNIQUE LOOT – Redridge Mountains“
  1. I've been loving this series so far but sometimes I just don't get your commentary. So a great MH weapon for rogues that's level 14, 2.6 speed and with +2 agi is ''average'' but a waist cloth that has +2 str +5 int is ''really nice''? Huh?

  2. Really interesting series. I only have one advice: you intruduce a mob and show the map location, then reintroduce them, and show map location again. It's not a big problem, but kinda pointless doing the same thing twice. By this there is a solid 10 second downtime between each NPC, which doesn't sound too much, but with 8 mob it is 1/8th of your video's duration. Just cut it out. You will feel it's more dynamic.

  3. I really love this series, my only complaint is that you only show the spawm location that you found the mob at. Please do a little research on each rare and show all their possible spawn locations, would make the videos so much better imo.

    Anyway, keep it up! 🙂

  4. The only thing I would add would be that Rohh The Silent has several spawn points. The cave, a camp south of the cave that has an open spot in the pack, the base of the nearby magetower, and at the edge of the cliff overlooking the murloc lake. For a time in retail I hunted that guy down but someone else had the spawn time camped as well as Vultros in Westfall, farming both blue daggers.

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