Von Huzzah

25 Gedanken zu „WoW Classic – Rare Mob Locations + UNIQUE LOOT – Durotar“
  1. You seem to get a lot of great tips from other viewers, and I'd like to chime in with another one, if that's OK.

    When you show the map and the area/zone where the rare mob is located, maybe add something else to that screen. Maybe add a picture of the mob/3D model and a spawn timer.

    I hope this advice finds you well. The video's format is perfect for what you are trying to convey and share with other players, so try to keep it that way. Brief and concise, just as this type of content should be. Much love from a new subscriber.

  2. Love these, you're really making me excited to play! I was big on Nostalrius and other Vanilla Private servers but am sad that lots are dead now, so still hanging on to retail until the official Blizzard release. Super excited to play the demo. Definitely keep at it! You'll be huge in no time. 🙂

  3. Great work!
    The reason He didn't find much greens is – on this low level World of Warcraft does not have much Green items – if i am not mistaken there should only be greens for "chest" , "legs" and "weapons"

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