Von Huzzah

36 Gedanken zu „WoW Classic – Rare Mob Locations + UNIQUE LOOT – Badlands“
  1. Thank you so much for all the work uve done so far 🙂 Even with classic release arround the corner Im still lookin forward to your next videos! Btw on what server will u play classic?

  2. Lovely vid and perfect timing 🙂 I was curious about the black box quest, and wowhead, wowpedia, among others seem to indicate that it was removed early on in vanilla, so I'm curious if it was left in unintentionally after beta. There seems to have been a horde version of the same drop that was removed prior to official release too, which makes me think that's the case, so I wonder what we'll see in the official servers.

    Looking forward to the rest of the series!

  3. Just got a bunch of PTSD flashbacks of Zaricotl from watching this. I had forgotten all about that bastard lol. But now I remember teaming up to fight him & killing the repair bot during the elemental quest. Will be reliving that again soon 🙂

  4. Thanks for all the rare mob videos… I am only now able to level my first character on classic and these videos have been great! Sadly you stopped making videos but I think we can all understand 🙂

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