Von Esfand

  1. Ey Esfand, I really want to go Retri in classic, but the gearing kills my motivation, I was lvling a retri on Northdale, and tanks won`t even let me in the group, so getting gear seems not possible for a non-streamer.. will it be easier to go Holy at 60 and roll for OS than actually going retri and praying for getting invited to stuff?

  2. I've noticed a lot of complaints about paladins lately, with regard to their low dps and limited combat options. But what players are forgetting is the main reason Blizzard programmed Paladins. Paladins were not designed to be hybrid Tanks/Healers, as many claim. Instead, paladins were designed to be played while downloading pornography.

    Paladins have roughly zero combat interaction, thus making them the perfect character to play while downloading massive amounts of hardcore pornography. Simply target a monster, hit "1", and minimize your window. Then sit back and enjoy the amazing girl on girl action.

    Because a Paladin takes about one full minute to kill any monster, you can leisurely browse the erotic and pornographic fruits of the internet without much concern over your Paladin's welfare. After a minute, I go back to WoW, and usually my Paladin is alive and ready to loot the corpse. This is what makes grinding so pleasurable and convenient for me; the ability to simultaneously watch girls have sex with each other and level up at the same time. I doubt any other class has such an elegantly designed system, and I applaud Blizzard for their foresight in crafting a character that I can play with while playing with myself.

    DPS? Who needs it? The quicker I kill something, the less time I have to watch boobies. Combat Interactivity? Overrated. I'd much rather interact with the girls writhing on my computer screen. Yes, a paladin was created for the sole purpose of surviving a fight while you stream hot pornography directly to your computer. That is why we have the high armor class, healing abilities, and the low, low DPS.

    As for PvP, nothing is better than getting into Battlegrounds and soaking up the honor points while I watch girls take their clothes off for money. Only the minimum interaction is necessary for a Paladin to perform, and it is this very quality that I love the most about my Paladin. I doubt Rogues get any time to watch pornography while trying to vanish and rack up combo points, and I bet Shamans haven't seen a single naked breast while figuring out which totem to throw down before choosing which shock they are going to cast next.

    In addition to grinding, we have several defensive options during combat that also allow us the flexibility of downloading pornography. Hammer of Justice allows a quick 6 second glimpse at a naked lady while our opponent is stunned, and Divine Shield allows a leisurely 8 seconds of quality right-hand time. Indeed, Paladins have cornered the market on the pornography during playtime of World of Warcraft gameplay.

    It saddens me that many Paladins do not take advantage of the main functionality of your character, and are in fact lobbying for increased DPS, or more combat options. These are all unnecessary frivolities that would only harm our pornography downloading efficiency. Instead, we should thank the fine programmers at Blizzard for crafting a character that is great to grind with while grinding your loins.

  3. Classic is exciting? So, your saying …whatever Blizzard comes out with for Class WOW …your excited? I'd rather keep fighting in the forums for 1.5 and hopefully get the Classic AV most of us want. I won't be a sheep.

  4. Love how all you video makers have turned into shills for blizzard as we get closer…pull your tongues out of their @$$. The more we learn the more we realize this is NOT classic that we experienced and remember, it's a late version that no one really cared about b/c TBC was right around the corner. NVM the fact that 1.12 introduced cross realm BG's so ofc it's going to be a Zergfest. Don't tell me it won't cuz it was in August of '06, forget any turnins, forget ram/wolf riders, forget windriders, forget summoning lokhalar/ivus, forget that epic feeling of being mobbed in your base and fighting hard and driving the opposing side back and ultimately winning. RIP classic AV.

  5. Why are you happy about them changing things in the name of "balancing". That's exactly where they went wrong with retail. The OG AV was the shit, and now its gonna be an avoid pvp final boss zergfest. They are making Classic more and more like retail.. 1. This isn't how vanilla was so its inherently not classic.. just a vanilla remastered. 2. These changes aren't even good, people loved how classic was for a reason and of course they can't just let it be. This is not going to end well, and i'm not sure why you're happy about it.

  6. While WoW Token wasn't official vetted it is actually still in the game in spirit.
    There is nothing stopping a player from trading another player for one in retail to use for their Classic subscription.

    Player A wants a Token, Player A has 150 Classic gold for exchange.
    Player B wants Classic gold, Player B offers to give Player A Enough Gold to buy a Token in Retail, in exchange for the Classic Gold.
    (Player B can get this much Retail Gold 150k or whatever by just buying a Token and selling it.)
    Player A Gives Player B the 150 Classic Gold, Player B gives Player A in a retail server the 150k Retail gold.
    Player A buys their Token, done.

    Legal gold buying in classic.

  7. Horrible decision.
    Those long Alterac Valleys were awesome. Summoning big bosses to advance then being pushed all the way back.
    A win back then really felt like a true win.
    By removing certain npc's entirely and also removing health on npc's, they are basically speeding up the battleground.
    Might as well play BFA… or rathr not play at all.

  8. In my opinion they should release Alterac Valley in phase 3 in it's patch 1.5 state. Then they should release the patch 1.8 state in phase 4/5. At last they should release the patch 1.12 state in phase 5/6.

    I would really love to have this battleground taking several days to finish. I can still remember when i logged off at night and joined the SAME game the next afternoon. But most probably would not play this kind of battleground nowadays.

  9. If they run with the 1.12 AV which would have been close to the end of Classic before the Burning Crusade I think I will just pass on the whole classic and play a different game. Some of us loved the old NPC packed AV which could takes days to win.

  10. this version is shit and pointless… its the russian rush 3-5min games… its AV honor afk grind and every twat can gather 30k honor/h spamming AVs. the asmongold model…why would u summon any bosses or do anything but killing the bunker boss and final boss, rinse and repeat… 3.5k hoh.
    what a sad fucking day

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