39 Gedanken zu „World Of Warcraft Insane Gold Farm You Must Try NOW!“
  1. I tried so many transmog farms, and for me they are 100% not worth it, if it takes me 4 months at my server to sell some of them, thats just insane. In the end I had my toons clogged with greens and blues so I just sold them to the vendor.

  2. Started watching the channel recently and i love the content mate , keep it up and i hope you can become a big youtuber! Id rly love to get myself some decent amount of gold before bfa cuz i have around 15 alts and no money and i feel like i should start getting there.

  3. you have the dungeon on heroic. You could have just went out the front entrance. And probably should have mentioned that you were using the back entrance to the instance. Also, Wrath greens are ugly as hell and usually do not sell. Crafted gear does sell well and the epic/blue boss drops are a nice look. So unless someone is trying to be a completionist they rarely sell well. Also, the murloc boss is not there in normal, the gate is closed.

  4. This is a Bullshit Video. How can u talk 11min about a simple farm. I clicked through the Video to get an Idea of what you are doing, but u ONLY talked about the route you ran in this old Dungeon.
    Why dont make your Video 30 sec, say:
    1: go to X
    2: farm Y
    3: craft to Z
    4: ???
    5: Profit

  5. So he talked for 8 min saying we get transmog but didn't mention what we can get? I know you have to meet the 10 min mark but this is too much. You literally ran the dungeon from one place to another showing the rest of the dungeon like 3 times.

  6. Thats the thing with transmog videos the only thing they really show is the farming. we dont care about the farming, we care about the results. i know transmog takes a long time to sell, but there are addons that can track your AH profits, can even set them up to track specific profits, like transmog profits. im hoping that you can start adopting results of a transmog farm into your video, otherwise, your just like the 50 other transmog farming youtubers out there, results are what going to make viewers subscribe. its one of the reasons i have kuma and bregvids subscribed. they show the results of their efforts.

  7. The only and i do mean only farming that has net me any gold is Isle of Giants bones and Porcupette sales. The pet were selling around 8k gold each and the bones can be had at about 1000 collected every 10 minutes and sold for thousands per stack of 999.

  8. Logs on a subtlety rogue
    – bear tartare 70% movement buff
    – 15% rogue movement buff
    – 15% stealth / Shadow Dance speed buff
    – Sprint 70% movement buff…
    – Fast as fuck BOIIII…

  9. Ever tried farming Akasha in Vash'jir? I just found them today if you look at wow head they have a ton of green drops at 10-15% drop rate and since no one farms vash'jir the green drops (even on my high pop server) are 5-10K+ and best part she respawns every 20 seconds!!! Just wanted to see what you thought about it!

  10. Transmog farms just never work for me. Appearances are collected permanently now and transmog farms are super easy for literally anyone to do. Why would anyone spent 300k on an old piece of gear when they could just go farm for a few hours and get it themselves.

  11. Transmog farms are BS, you're basically relying on a very shallow market. There's a small number of players who care about 'mogs, and an even smaller number who are 'mog collectors' who will get every appearance possible. Once that market is satisfied, there's no one to sell to anymore, and you're stuck vendoring shit.

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