Von BeeZi

24 Gedanken zu „Wie man JEDEN schnellen Blick/Lean in Rainbow Six Siege (2021) MEISTERT“
  1. seen so many quickpeek tutorials but this is the first one that has acctually helped me i started of trying out that beaulo peek and nailed it in about 5 mins and then moved onto the shaiiko peek which i use in games and it works amazing for me thank you brother

  2. I was really unhappy with the way I played so I changed a lot of my key binds in an effort to help me get better as I was really confused with my previous configuration. In short, I changed my q n e to lean to the buttons on my mouse and it has made a huge difference! I still do need to get used to it but it is a good change in my opinion. Perhaps you should give it a try .

  3. i'm leaning with mouse buttons, ik this is not good but i'm not comfortable with "A" and "E" (i'm french so this is my keys) what would u suggest me ? learn more and more with keybord controller ?

  4. You actually suck lol 😂 you can’t even write “Shaiiko” or “knife” hahahaha. What’s more, you don’t know what Shaiiko peek is lol. There is no Spoit peek in this game btw…

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