Mein Controller – DualSens Standardmonitor – 27 xq HP Headset – Hyper Clout Alpha Mein Sens – 37 V, 50 H, 8 V 5 H DZ I Erweitert …
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Mein Controller – DualSens Standardmonitor – 27 xq HP Headset – Hyper Clout Alpha Mein Sens – 37 V, 50 H, 8 V 5 H DZ I Erweitert …
© Artikelquelle
Breco back on the grind ?
Y is u look like lesbian?
Heyy, do u think there is skill difference between who uses high and low senses?
What u use on ela
I've followed this channel for a while now, keeping it real as always with bomber tunes. ❤ your content bruz🤙
Ferquently lmao
Is it just me or is t-hunt unplayable on ps4? It just feels super off.
yo every time I switch my R2 to R1 on ps5 it won’t let me shoot can u help me out with this plz
I am so happy right now. The settings are INSANE! Great video thank you for making me better 👍
Why is your 1.0 sens 28 in game but in the description you put 24
Ey Bro… Wie nimmst du deine Videos auf? Hast du ne Capture Card oder so? Weil wenn man normal mit der PlayStation aufnimmt sieht es nicht so clean aus…
Did brec become even MORE of a tank since last time? He's unstoppable 😥
Guys everything you need to improve your skill is 10 ms
Whats your rgb settings?
How does he make people stand out so much?
Your saying things my friends tell me and I think I should listen
At 0:45 there’s like a white outline on the players does anyone know how to get thqt
I had my ps5 for 6 days now I have a 4ktv too but anywho rainbow six looks great but the Anti aliasing is a lil off why is that
Does the ps5 controller has a big differnece to the ps4 ? Because of your settings maybe they just perfect for you because of the Controller
What yall crouch with?
Can we use this also for ps4 ?
I came here for sens settings not a 6 minutes intro. It's not just you, people should really get to the point faster.
To fast!!! Slow down…. the objective is to SHOW US THE SENSITIVITY!!!
Minkzie is hopefully gonna get more subs than u 👑 kein hate natürlich
We need the controller layout
Thank you!
Dude thanks so much and I subscribe to and my game play is much better
I could be this good if I didn’t have 100 ping every game
with all do respect breccoli but not everyone has the perfect sensitivity cause for everyone else its different for their likings of how the sticks feel.. me for example i like a low sensitivity cause if aim for a kill and the gun has too much recoil my stick goes everywhere.