shorts Warum bist du HARD STUCK GC1…ROCKET LEAGUE Ich habe den Tag mit meinem Freund in GC1 gespielt und einige Dinge bemerkt, die …
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shorts Warum bist du HARD STUCK GC1…ROCKET LEAGUE Ich habe den Tag mit meinem Freund in GC1 gespielt und einige Dinge bemerkt, die …
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i’m not even gc1 L
to be honest i tried this advices and it's not working because i started to shadow defence and not taking action fast and letting ball for the enemy team . and also it require mechanics and car control .
he scored with double tap and hard cut dribble soo it's mechanic .
it like telling a football player just pass the ball and he dont know how to pass ball
Except your making these videos in gc1??? So that means you’re hard stuck gc1
Nah bro I’m hardstuck plat
Lol isn’t SpookLuke like GC2? Don’t think he’s in a position to say “this is why you’re hard stuck GC1” hahaha
That says that you are better than C3 but worse than GC1
benny mayne

Trash mfs keep failing freestyles during the game then having "I'm trolling" as an excuse. Luckily this doesn't happen often in SSL.
Bro i dont understand rl i am ranked in silver 2 and get better player i dont get it
SpookLuke.. You are literally Gc 1 bro

Lol the main reason for me getting slapped back into gc1 from gc2 and then staying for a while, is the fact that 30% of the games in gc1 are just ssl Smurfs
God i wish i was stuck gc1
Why no ball cam
Song name ?
Anyone know the song
I'm hard stuck diamond cause tm8s bro
Wanna play sometime I’m hardstuck aswell at 1585
Me a plat watching like "ah yes this explains it"
“They just hit the ball around.”
Well yes but actually yes!
What song is in the background?
This gonna sound like an excuse but I'm actually hard stuck gc1 because I have at&t lmao I hit 990 ping atleast once every single game
Can someone tell me what that decal is?
easy when a player with 10000 hours smurfs
Yeah I mean this really goes for every rank especially for like p3-d3 they hit the ball for no reason ALOT hard clears to the other side of the field when you could just easily control it things like that
In my experience people do this because they have zero chemistry with their tm8s they have no idea where they are and don't know where to put passes so it just becomes easier to hit the ball everywhere and hope it works out
Aint the gc1 lads i get to play
What if I'm hardstuck gold 2
He makes it look too easy
what about hard stuck diamond 2
Bold of you to assume I'm a GC lol
Gc1 is mid
Flakes was so ahead of his time…
Flakes would be proud
More like hardstuck plat 2
I kinda wish I was hardstuck GC1

So glad I already know these (implementing them is obviously different) but I'm only about plat-diamond (skyrocketed to diamond in 2 hours, lost one match, no MMR/division change after about 12 wins to get back into diamond with MMR more stable).
It's hard to notice what you're doing wrong until you realize it can sometimes get as simple as paying attention. After you touched the ball, what happened? Is this the most frequent result, or a lucky anomaly? What usually happens in these situations? Just these simple little things can help you recognize how to do better.
Dumb question though, everybody makes vids on what to learn, but nobody tells noobs HOW to learn. Somebody should do that, it could have really helped me when I was starting. Little stuff like how to learn car/ball control, how to adjust camera settings to feel right, anything.
Gc 1, be ssl then
I'm still hard stuck diamond lol
Song called?
“Why you’re hard stuck gc1”
We aren’t gc1.
I want cars
I’m a mechanical diamond trying to reach champ any tips on that Ik how to rotate so idk what to do?