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I love your videos man you are great, out of curiosity how much fps do you get and what’s your refresh rate on your monitor? Antworten
Why do you play holo on every gun like is that a personal preference or something related to the display settings you use Antworten
3:55Shawk kills alibi0.5 seconds later3:58 shoots alibi's prisma again right after killing her Antworten
OwO what is this a new Shawk video
we stan shawk
Nice video, love your content

my pp hurts
Shawk the rush master

If u like my comment I’ll unsubscribe and then re-subscribe
I wasn’t late I promise
Good stuff bro. Congrats on 3k

7:00 that was amazing
so lucky
You got mad claps
good sir
Nice content buddy
Shawk is my dad
shawk is literally insane
Do u recommend having laser sight on guns
Genuinely thought this was beaulo until the intro came in, good shit man
Pc specs?
Lmao Ive stopped playing siege but I always till seem to watch your vids
any tips for console players?(recoil)
Litterally became one of my favorite youtubers with like two uploads
I love your videos man you are great, out of curiosity how much fps do you get and what’s your refresh rate on your monitor?
ayo shawk whats your pc specs?
Pop off lad
Why do you play holo on every gun like is that a personal preference or something related to the display settings you use
could you tell me your aspect ratio and fov?
So f*ucking good
7:27 what tf was that laugh
You should make a room tour
I watched some of these live!
This is the first time I've watched, all I'm saying is keep it up and you will blow up.
Playing nav too forsureee goat
Shawk kills alibi
0.5 seconds later
3:58 shoots alibi's prisma again right after killing her
Arm or wrist?