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ULTIMATE Pick Ups and Live Flea Markets | Savers and Swap Meets | Playstation Classic IS AMAZING now

Nice pick up. I just found Metal Gear Solid VR Missions for PlayStation 1 Black Label complete Mint Condition $1 in our local thrift store.
I hope you do more of these Savers Thrift Store videos down the line. I think they're the best videos in the universe
Happy Thanksgiving
Almost 150/200 shity games. I prefer making my own key…
Some might say this video contains some stranger…..things. (I’m sorry)
Careful to people buying the switch on black Friday. The one they are putting out coming with the free Mario kart game is the older model with worse battery life DO NOT BUY THAT ONE
Now You’re Part Of The Squat!
Nice savers finds. Getting harder to find that stuff now adays
Thanksgiving seems appropriate for showing us all these goodies these random businesses are sending you. I'm legit interested in buying these. Thanks for the video!
Saver employees: "what's this idiot doing crouched down playing with toys and whispering to himself?"
Also those PS classic USBs are super illegal
Such a character Riff. Very entertaining. Projector looks awesome outside!
That warning is not true because this video got better and better as it went along.
they could be dumpster divers dumping broken games.
Great video! I want that projector!
Wow!!! You guys setting up the projector had me rolling! That entire segment was hilarious! Ahhh I remember when you guys broke that chair lol. So damn funny :). Awesome vid!
Dude too bad you don't get anything for that True Blue plugin cause I just ordered one because of this video. Thanks for sharing that. Great stuff!
"Watch the sound"
Quick intro… Nice
The PS USB thing seems very, VERY illegal. I wouldn't be promoting illegal devices on the channel. This is all kinds of shady.
Just sent you one of my new mystery boxes. Should be there by Monday.
Picked up some PS1 and PS2 rpgs from goodwill today and toys from savers. Not a bad black friday find!
Pepsi man is awesome haha!
Why you get all the free things? I want the free things too!
Hey, the tracking on the box I sent you said that they couldn't access the location. Just thought I'd give you a heads up.
Just to let you know that this video was an absolute gem! Everything that you do is my therapy and I love every second!! I have the True Blue "Crackhead" with 101 games. It's my new go to! P.S., thank you for sharing your life with us all.
Awesome super random video Aaron! That projector looked sweet
Damn! they never have shit at my local Savers! You scored big time
I’m convinced that you should do an entire video as PeeWee Herman.
Starting January 2020 Savers will be opening an Ebay account and stores nationwide will be putting all Video Games and Vintage toys on there
I manage The Danbury CT location.
First time I've ever heard Aaron say "shit" lol or was that "shoot"??? xD
That mini Pac-Man…is it even a mini piece anymore at that size? Awesome!
But how good that projector looks–now that is sweeeeeet!!!!
Its pretty easy to make it yourself and its cheaper
Favorite channel ever.
Now I want your PlayStation classic
Whats the theme song in the intro from the very 1st second
Ya just like the PS2, PS4 I will not buy launch consoles. Every single console gets revamped and re launched pretty much. So I waited on the Switch. Didn't need it that bad to play games that were already out on Wii. Pay too dollar for games that have been out?! Hell no!! I waited for version 2 and for most switch games to drop to around 20-30 bucks, now most of them have gone back up a few bucks lol. Being patient is my virtue
That true blue was pretty sick man