In diesem 2-minütigen Tutorial zeige ich eine Kickoff-Strategie, die mir einige Profis beigebracht haben und die unsere Gegner in der Rocket League zum Scheitern brachte …
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In diesem 2-minütigen Tutorial zeige ich eine Kickoff-Strategie, die mir einige Profis beigebracht haben und die unsere Gegner in der Rocket League zum Scheitern brachte …
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What do you mean by cheating a kick-off? I've never heard of it.
Nice but if I trick u I have to get pinned.
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Strategy of the century
We spanish created this? Proud of how my people always try to "cheat" in everything
Can i add u because its always been my dream to be a friend with a pro.
This aint free tips if your using service
Is this why I wan into so many fake kickoffs yesterday? Did musty stream this? I mean we didn’t get scored on from it but it was annoying.
Bruh me just learning how to speed flip………
I saw ur profile on striped discord server so hey
Thank you sir
Please pick me to train I saw I vid 1 year ago and I got so happy
my diamond opponents that go for boost instead of cheating for ball: im 5 parallel universes ahead of you
anyone else see he was playing w musty and garret g??????
Too bad my opponents drive straight into the ball without turning and the guy in the back doesn’t give a darn about positioning
To be honest it will just be like when speedflip kickoffs were discovered.
For the first couple of kickoffs you'll will be fucked but then you can counter it almost every time after that.
the only issue is i dont have friends
Haha love this and man that really was effective!! @lionblaze is goated and it looks like you must have had a great time hanging out with him. Winston another cracking edit too love how polished you make these and that screen shatter effect at the start was
luke spent a whole game doing this to me. not fun but very funny
What do you mean by 2nd man "cheating up" ( im german and dont understand the word cheating in this context)
Strats like these are the exact reason why I don't play 2s if I saw something like this happen in 3s I wouldn't touch the game ever again even if I had put 1 thousand hours in the game
It works so well when it works so well.
arsenals bump kickoff.
lol somebody tried this on us 2 days ago in diamond and i was suprised
Nah that's just being toxic
bro, i hate this, all people gonna unsub from you for appreciating this kickoff. I know how to kill it tho
Guys If you haven’t join Lukes Discord you totally should he is an amazing guy and they have very nice people in the community and they are allways so nice and helpful keep up the great work Luke
Sadly this won't work in lower ranks
1:41 I anticipate both. If the Spanish works, great, if it fails I position myself to still get the beat on the ball and score while continuing the bump play.
God loves you guys!
My man just copied Wayton
I already do this but usually when it's a double diagonal in 3s maybe I'll try this also
Welp I'm a fail now lmao
i just demo the guy going against me on the kickoff and then my tm8 can take the kickoff, same idea, just a different format/execution
I am diamond rank. Can u help me get to c or gc?
bro what do yall mean by cheating? did Ronald finally cheat on Margaret or something?
This is 100% Spanish kickoff…
with YouTube making it to where you can’t see the number of dislikes anymore we can expect to see a lot more click bait titles/videos like this one..
So… a regular Spanigh then… Nice click bait coach.
what if both teams do it?
garret was like nope u not gonna demo me
This title just broke pro… CLICK BAIT
I think i found a kickoff strat in 1s, its an instant demo on first contact with the ball was able to pull it off twice in a row but dont know how i did it, if high lvls can hit it consistent itd be unstoppable