Von Lethamyr

  1. Man, I'm so bummed that Psyonix just seems to refuse to implement any sort of multiplayer workshop support. I want to play these things with my friends, but the process of getting it all set up for our whole group and maintaining it is too inconvenient for us.

  2. kind of wish the people you played with actually liked the mode, knockout is awesome and good players that are bad at it and not having fun makes the video a bit more of a bummer. iirc Danny and maybe zurx or JG seemed to get on with it more in prior videos.

    still lot of fun to watch, but coconut and Guh just moaning the whole time was eh

  3. Soo all mr swaggles and simple sharks’ maps are out on the workshop? Also I got a problem with my BakkesMod when I go to search workshop maps on steam. I play on epicgames and whenever I click search maps and it loads the pages, it crashes my game and I can’t download map. What seems to be the problem with my bakkesmod?

  4. Leth I have to admit, Knockout might be one mode where 0 ping really does make all the difference. I don't think it's a coincidence that no one can seem to grab or attack you before you can do the same to them. Would love to see how Knockout goes when someone else is hosting

  5. Coconut sounds like a sober hippie from the 70's, especially in that ending when he was like "I don't wanna talk to you maaayn" and calling Leth and T-Rev wall Merchants, probably my favorite parts

  6. Yo leth, a head hunter pac man map would be awesome, the runner has to collect dots like in the game and a big dot gives the runner power hit demo power up, dunno if it's possible but that would be awesome

  7. Leth, I got a video idea for you: the players won’t know what team they are on and they can spawn in any of the spawn points on the map they have to find out what team they are and score goals on the right side or use their luck

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