1. Hehehehehe, cover demo and affi but say nothing about destro. You know why? Because destro is hot shit and it'll never kill anything 😂😂😂 even during darksoul 😂😂😂 9k chaos bolts oooooooohhhhhhh scary whatever will I do except laugh and throw my INSTANT CAST 14k+ demon bolts at them 🤣🤣🤣

  2. This is very interesting content. I didn't know most of this. Will definitely have to learn these. But was there some earlier video where the "basic" cooldowns were already covered? I don't think I know most of those either =)
    Could someone link me the video(s?) that were referred to in the very beginning of this one. Thanks.

    Trying to build a list of all the relevant abilities and memorize them (God, there are so many …). Next step will be figuring our how to not get killed while spending painstakingly long amounts of time studying and not understanding my space ship hud. /giggle

  3. I bet there's a weak aura with a popup of the "one cooldown to watch for" for each class for old fogies like me. If anyone can suggest said weak aura (threatening cd pops up mis screen when enemy casts it as a quick warning then fades) I'd love to know about it. Ty kindly.

  4. Another question I've had in mind is about awareness. I notice than even if I knew what to do, it relies heavily on seeing things immediatelly. I must admit I just don't notice things in time even when I have the indicators set up. If I start focusing on one thing like knowing where my healer is and when she's in CC, I struggle with my damage rotation and have absolutely no idea what the enemies are doing or which abilities they have used.

    I mean… How do you learn that? Noticing things as they happen. It seems there's so very much information coming in I can't process it. And I don't feel like I'm gettin better. Been playing since vanilla ) Any good material about practicing awareness someone could recommend?

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