Möchten Sie sofortiges, leicht zugängliches, personalisiertes Coaching rund um die Uhr von Top-Spielern? Dann besuchen Sie unsere Website: …
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Möchten Sie sofortiges, leicht zugängliches, personalisiertes Coaching rund um die Uhr von Top-Spielern? Dann besuchen Sie unsere Website: …
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I wish he see me
Yey early
Hii play on 100ping
Keith the goat
Keith Alan is a GOAT
Brunch a cruchy
Not first
Somehow i won 2 crowns in a row. Mann AimLab did really help me.
Thanks bro!
“Every decision you’ve ever made has led to you reading this.”
@Keith Alan & ProGuides Matt said in a previous video that building is coming back to core modes. Was he wrong or what is going on with that? Any idea? I'd appreciate a reply. Kind Regards
Everyone that sees this, try having a good day
Why are the story videos removed
Fun Fact: MK-7 Assault Rifle and Pulse Rifles are in game until the voting starts. Another Fun Fact: Building is back. You can choose regular solo, duos , trios , squads or choose the no build game mode solo , duos , trios , squads. Well thats it i hope this helps! Have not a good day a great one
I cant play with your coaches cause my parents said i cant spend money for it
IMO, the best landing spot is the daily bugle, especially because there is a seven tank that spawns there.
Love the tips !! I subscribed
I change my buttons on controller to a more custom setting, however I can't launch out of the cannons. It tells me what button to press to launch but it doesn't do the animation so I can shoot out. When I leave my controls on default, I can shoot out of the canon. Anybody know of any fix?
about the tanks
Me too
I’m laughing about the intro all threw the vid lol lol lol