Von Hydramist

41 Gedanken zu „The BEST Classic level 60 Priest PvE Talents by FAR“
  1. At a certain amount of spirit, Spiritual Guidance is going to become more and more tempting. If you intend to go deep Holy much later on, you might want to gear slightly differently than someone who is just going to go full PI for their whole Classic run. The real question is at what point in progression under ideal circumstances would it be favorable to switch to deep Holy. 300 Spirit from gear? 350? 400? Not easy to quantify.

  2. Agree that going PI is the better healing spec for phase 1. Going deep holy all the way to Spiritual Healing just isn't necessary at this stage of Classic, given how easy raids are. Makes much more sense to take Mental Strength for dispelling (which there is plenty of in MC), and PI for faster clearing/questing/grinding. I also took Wand Spec and Searing Light, because again this speeds things up, and makes killing mobs in the world (which I'm still doing from time to time) much less painful.

  3. Thanks for the vids bro. Long time fan. Man I'm so reluctant to go 4/5 on Holy Specialization. The synergy with Inspiration and Smite is giving me a lot of pause in sacrificing that 1% crit. With some of the pieces in MC giving +dmg/heal and +crit you can really dish out some pain. I'm with you on preferring to go offensive rather than defensive, especially in Molten Core. I really like being a holy crit machine and am hoping to do some meta-offensive holy pvp, even if it's not as powerful as shadow. Resetting talents costs so much.. one day I'm going to be rich and respec twice a week!

  4. I’m new to priest: casually leveling one as an alt for a cozy leveling experience. Your videos have been informative and fun to watch! Thanks for the content and the therapeutic accent. Cheers

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