You should make a 4 corners map where there is two perpendicular transparent walls that the ball can go through but players cant so that its impossible to cross. You can call the map Social Distancing =/
Of course Corona is mad yall keep calling covid-19 by the wrong name because yall and everyone else dont know the difference in the name of the virus and the shape of the virus. They dont call SARS Corona but it's the exact same thing as covid19. Call it by it's real name and Corona beer wouldn't be as damaged as a company as it is.
Lethanyr why not play this game mode infected… have a five minute timer or such whatever you feel like. have everybody on one team and one person on the other team. lets say everybodys on blue except one orange. the orange car demos a blue car. the blue car switches to orange til none left on blue or timer runs out.
Really good idea but I think you have to mapping it to make it good. Couse over the time you lose so much distance, it can be deadly don't joke with it
You guys are repeatedly touching a possibly infected surface. You are doing social distancing, but you are definitely not stopping your chance at getting it
Practicing online social distancing so they don’t catch a computer virus
Why teach gamers social distancing, they already are doing it for decades now
Leth, Ill never gonna be tired of saying that I love the intro
9:43 we now your leth you doesn't have to repeat it all the time

Accurate representation. " I don't know what the rules are, but pretty sure I'm dead!"
Game mode: Ebola Extra
The next ranked team8 I get who ball chases, misses a solo play, then says where tf I was, I'll be responding to you with "Social distancing man ="
Hello, hope your having a good day!
You should make a 4 corners map where there is two perpendicular transparent walls that the ball can go through but players cant so that its impossible to cross. You can call the map Social Distancing =/
Someone please tell me what decal that is
Of course Corona is mad yall keep calling covid-19 by the wrong name because yall and everyone else dont know the difference in the name of the virus and the shape of the virus. They dont call SARS Corona but it's the exact same thing as covid19. Call it by it's real name and Corona beer wouldn't be as damaged as a company as it is.
Idea for social distancing map: take the default map and put a transparent [+]-format wall in it that only blocks cars and viruses from crossing it.
Lethanyr why not play this game mode infected… have a five minute timer or such whatever you feel like. have everybody on one team and one person on the other team. lets say everybodys on blue except one orange. the orange car demos a blue car. the blue car switches to orange til none left on blue or timer runs out.
What is tht decal leth has on his car? It's sick (Not sick in a corona virus way)
not even watchable for a real RL player
leth im a massive fan of you if you respond i would be so happy
They should make more space between the cars in the main menu lmao
Guess Scrub took social distancing in RL to an extreme, huh?
Hey ! Can you make a normal map but 2 or 3 times bigger ? For ping pong boomer mode
Really good idea but I think you have to mapping it to make it good. Couse over the time you lose so much distance, it can be deadly don't joke with it

Reminds me of 4 square
Pls make a ribix cube in rocket league!!!!!!
what is the name of your intro track!
Maybe a gamemode where cars have a 10 meter diameter hitbox to hit other cars, but a normal hitbox to hit the ball
You guys are repeatedly touching a possibly infected surface. You are doing social distancing, but you are definitely not stopping your chance at getting it
You should make a rule for if it’s overtime, you do a regular kickoff and those two die.
I’m sad lol somebody scammed or hacked my rocket league account and stole my black markets and painted imports and exotics, sooooo yeah
I can’t buy the rocket pass now either cuz this guy took my credits as well.

Hey Leth I’m not sure how to get ahold of you but I have a game mode idea for you.
I think u can activate demo on touch for this gamemode
The ball has corona
Add instant demos and 14s respawn time to represent the 14 day quarantine
Yo nobody knows how to play in the lower ranks. I’ve literally lost every single one of my placements in 6 mans and I can’t even get close to winning
HAHAHA! Nice x'D
My friend conner’s a fan and is part of your discord. His rl name is lethamyr1237
Who's frank?
what's the intro song?
It like the old school game warlords.
What is that decal
That 2nd game should be called "Stuck in the mud"
Imagine social distancing call of duty zombies lol
This vids gonna get demonitized, for saying corona virus
Bruh what’s the point in social distancing if you’re going to touch a ball that someone already touched
"spread it to your friends and family"