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Sind Ihnen Fehler oder Fehler in meinen Berechnungen aufgefallen? Bitte vergessen Sie nicht, es in den Kommentaren unten zu erwähnen, und ich werde es auf jeden Fall anheften.
© Artikelquelle
With the collecting 4 Stars, I started mid August and im missing 160 4 star characters. It took me a long time to figure out where to get the remainder, I went on BBs-sim and they listed previous events that is where you can get hidden 4 star characters. Unfortunately literally all of them are inaccessible because they are not in the current "event". Klab should make it so you are able to get ANY 4 star characters from tickets or banners. And at 3:52 there are frenzy crystal quest-exclusive 4 stars also. Very informative video!
Farmable orbs in 2 months is 43k? But it takes 1.5 years to get 1 copy of each 5 star frenzy unit. Senkaimon units would also be over one year to get a copy of each. Plus many 4 stars are not obtainable in the game right now. And PvP medal exchange units take more than two months to obtain. I don't understand this calculation you have made. Also there are 1000 orbs in arena you can obtain for trophy milestones.
soul tickets run out sofast
70,000 large exp crystals???
Came back to this game a few days ago. This video is very helpful.
Just a question when I started the game I burn my 4 starts obtaint on the side story can I get them back to collect their orbs ?
nice vid man
My soul will be hurting
Even if I wanted to pay for orbs I cant
as soon as i get the true bankai ichigo nothing is going to stop me from milking orbs
when you grind frenzy crystals you get 4 star characters as well
Bro how can I get more medals? 05.11
As a F2P player, this video just lightened my day. Thank you Skul Father, after the Kenpachis banner I will safe for the TYBW anime return.
Just a fellow Bleach Tuber
Kenpachi Lineage Summons
Totally we can get 42k or more orb from game right ?
How can i get that sidekick doll
what its called
"It's ph1lza"

I'd reccomend Using raid characters and max them out you'll get 50 orbs every character
Too bad it's anni month…
Thanks I started a new game and I haven't spent a dime
this game is good for new players while bad for old players
Ive done a few co op but haven't gotten the 600 rewards
Thousand Year War Aizen leaves me in Agony.
Why did I not get any orb after leveling up my 4 star to max??
4 star units are sooo cute..
W video thx