In diesem Video zeige ich Ihnen, wie Sie Raumzeitverzerrungen in Pokemon Legends Arceus farmen und spawnen. Viele Leute haben …
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In diesem Video zeige ich Ihnen, wie Sie Raumzeitverzerrungen in Pokemon Legends Arceus farmen und spawnen. Viele Leute haben …
© Artikelquelle
was looking for magnemite. thanks for the video
Sweet love your vids my guy thanks for all the amazing streams and guides. Much love my friend.
Hi from Australia
Where i can find cheruby """easily"""
I have a question, does the “counter” reset after you had one distortion in that area? In that case is it the same as leaving the area?
Ty for the video ive been doing it wrong the whole time by battling to much while waiting
So I farmed the Alpha variants of the starters the past week with the AFK idling method. The odds of Alphas spawning in those are terrible, alas I succeeded after a gazillion runs. Happy to see the numbers. I do believe though that you want to be in the proximity of as many potential distortion spawn points as possible. e.G. idling in the Iceland next to the hole in the ground (middle of the map) did get me a lot spawns. Always in the same 3-4 places and I know there are more spawn points on the map
I just go around and check the entire area for shiny or alpha Pokémon. Haven’t had a problem spawning distortions. Might as well take advantage of your time. You know?
Needed to the latest update i think.
I don't mind having to be in an area for a certain amount of time but at the same time I think it's dumb because it almost encourages you to not play the game and just sit in an area afk to farm them. I spent 5 hours in an area one day catching everything and they weren't spawning because I was battling and I rested several times so I was being punished for playing the game.
Thanks for the vid!!! Great info. I can appreciate how you and AustinJohnPlays support each other too. I've been utilizing both of your channels since BDSP released.
Wait, what shirt is that?
i have been having an issue were time distortions would spawn but no Pokemon would appear.
Sigh now to farm for shiny alpha samurott
It's only checked when you enter the area or when the previous distortion ends, and predetermines when in the next 40 minute timespan the distortion will appear. Ignore the check every 5 min part!!!
Does this mean that every 40 minutes a STD will appear?
How can I have your outfit?
how did you get that shirt in pokemon Legends Arceus?
lose weight
The BEST thing to do while waiting for the time space distortions is empty your bag (so that you don't need to open the menu) and break crystals for items, break chests for items, catch Pokémon from behind, and look for treasure with Ursaluna. It does not reset the timer.
Super annoying that there are Pokémon you can only get from these. I’ve been sitting here for about an hour and a half and still no distortion. I’d rather actually play the game, but this is what I have to do to complete the Pokédex.
So I’ve been afk in the alabaster icelands for a little over an hour and still no space time distortion. But if i go to crimson mirelands or the cobalt coastlands a space time distortion will spawn less than 15 min back to back
The waiting part can be annoying since you might forget about the spawning if you're too focused on a work. It happened to me when I was just cleaning my room while doing the method. I just had to set a timer on my laptop that will alarm every 5 mins so that I can check my console 😅
Is it safe to rest for a little while?
I'm chilling at the fieldlands camp, waiting for it to spawn. Is their a portal to walk through. This would be my first encounter
They made them way to hard I'm level 100 I tried to go after Pikachu he was in there in the ice area and in the other areas but he knew I was after him the other Pokemon guarded him they went to him a blocked him I got hit to much a d I tried to dodge and got hit in the back by pikachuthey fricken gang up on u I was getting hit by three Pokemon at once
where did you get that digital picture frame?
I’m going for a shiny starter, wish me luck
Can you go to sleep?
Damn, I litterally only need a single Magnamite. That is it. I have everything else and now I just have to wait around until a space time distrotion appears for a chance at Magnamite. Ugh….
is there any information regarding save-stating distortions? cuz pokemon can despawn in distortions and when the distortion ends, everything despawns including pokemon mid-catch. like if you get a shiny or alpha pokemon theres a fair chance it could despawn on you. Is there a way to safely save to try again with the same spawns like with outbreaks? cuz from experience, if you save while the distortion is already in the world (either before or after activation), its no longer there when you load back in.
One spawned whilst watching this video lol
These guides are saving my life trying to finish the dex LOL, Philly the GOAT lets go!
Such a useful YouTuber, thank you so much
Right as I finished listening to this video is when I get a prompt on screen saying that a space-time distortion was starting. Perfect timing.
A distortion just spawned as I was watching this lol
With "Stay in the same area" you mean like "Crimson mirelands" or one of the Little areas in the map?
Thankyou for the video. Its weird for me after the post game, i didn't get a chance of getting the space time distortion.. like is my game is corrupted or what
I swear, it feels like I've reached the 40 minutes every single time, and the fact it doesn't always spawn the Pokémon that exclusively appear in them, is bs. I gave in and found this video to see if there's an easier way. The fact I've caught every other Pokémon means there's nothing to even do in the meantime, I've resorted to scouring everything with ursaluna…
I've been waiting for 6 hourssss 😮💨
Thank you, it’s no wonder why they weren’t spawning for me, I kept battling wild Pokémon and it’s been raining a good amount
I saw a leafeon when the distortion was ending..sad..i wanted to catch it so bad xD