50 Gedanken zu „So bearbeiten Sie Pokemon-Videos“
  1. Okay, i'm a new sub and i've been watching some of your older videos, and i just want to ask, what ever happened to chapellamb? Her account doesn't exist and i'm just wondering if you know why?

  2. Hardy the reason why your computer is going slow is cuz ur windows 8. Lol i only figured this out yesterday, but if you have a 64bit, then you have to download java 64 bit offline, ever sense i did that, my comp has been going 300% faster.

  3. Hey Hardy! Very interesting to see the "behind the scenes" work on your videos. I am horrible with technology of any kind, so seeing what you do (simple stuff to you), makes me appreciate your work even more. I am going into my 1st Photo Shop class in my next College semester and it worries me, but after seeing this, I feel bit excited to think that maybe one day I can be as good as you at this stuff. Thanks for the video! Keep up the great work. Can't wait for more Light Platinum. (^-^)

  4. The $69 reward has been delayed a small while but should be up tomorrow!

    YES SURE!!!

    We have raised a total of $100!!!:
    I will make a FULL Tutorial on everything I do to make my pokemon videos, from recording, to editing, to rendering. I will show you every step!


  5. I'm considering starting a channel to upload videos on so I googled how to edit videos yet none of them really go into as much detail as you would need for a pokemon video found this one and I thank you so much it's helped me tremendously!!!!

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