Es hat Spaß gemacht, diese Zwischensequenzen hochzuladen. Dies schien eine gute Note zu sein, um die Geschichte zu beenden. Davon abgesehen gibt es noch mehr …
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Es hat Spaß gemacht, diese Zwischensequenzen hochzuladen. Dies schien eine gute Note zu sein, um die Geschichte zu beenden. Davon abgesehen gibt es noch mehr …
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Ekans: "I want bigger jaws so I can swallow bigger things whole."
Hey buddy, Deviantart exists.
Remake of pkmn md soon finally. Now we only need gen 4 and pokemon colloseum/XD back
It always bothered me that Ninetails was in such a cold place, (well outside real life folklore), but since the introduction of Gen 7 Alolan variants, it makes sense now. You know since Alolan Ninetails is Ice/Fairy type. Though the remake seems to still use the OG Ninetails instead going by the trailer.
What do you have to do in the game to get this far?
The sprite of Gengar crying really softened my heart. Gengar looks creepy and seems lush, but he also has feelings. Feelings far deeper than expected. His desperation goes so far as begging his arch rival (the player character) for help. This desperation makes him indeed human. Character development is strong with this game!
Grovyle who? Gengar has the best plot twists
That's sad swamped and charmander
Mickey Mouse
Donald Duck
Cruella De Vil
I love how I played dx and I had the exact same starter set up
I played the remake but im sure none of this was in the game if it was maybe i would've felt more for the remake but i didnt. I was so disappointed about it
I had no idea this sequence of events even existed…
26:44 Gengar es Latinoamericano,confirmado xd
I wonder if this Gardevoir from Ninetale’s curse is canonically the same Gardevoir from Team Charm in the PMD 2?
20:30 I like the rip at tropes in rpgs, but they totally missed the opportunity to say legendary instead of “ boss creature “
I kinda wish they make a Pokemon mystery dungeon game again that is as good as rescue team and explorer series. They made a remake, sure, but i'd love to see fresh one after so long.
“I don’t have the power to lift curses” pretty fuckin’ irresponsible to cast them then, isn’t it?
Gengar really just said "adios" and tried to dip lmao
Did Gengar just say "adios" at the end? xD As a Spanish guy it makes me laught xDDD
I like this game… but Zapdos made me gave up
Dijo adiós en ingles,pero y en castellano que dijo?Ahora voy a buscarlo xD
Man i feel nostalgic about this game. Its was one of the best with explorers of sky too.
Who is the judge of darkness btw