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Danke fürs zuschauen! Benötigen Sie einen 5er-Stapel? Treten Sie hier meinem bei Verwenden Sie den Code „SHAWK“, um 30 % Rabatt auf Ihr … zu erhalten.
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First keep up the good work bro
Joe Biden foot lettuce from Burger King
Algorithm boutta go crazy now that Dapper making more appearances
dapper isn't even close to silver …. he's bronze max
edit: I take it back dapper didn't play that bad

dapper is pretty good ngl
W vid
Shawl u make to much money…. Pay the extra money for a better barber mannnnn
Can someone explain ranked 2.0 like its so shit
Im like silver about to drop a rank down i match with emeralds 4500 hours and all of my mates have like 60 thats so fucking shit
Can someone explain ranked 2.0 like its so shit
Im like silver about to drop a rank down i match with emeralds 4500 hours and all of my mates have like 60 thats so fucking shit
Plot twist dapper is actually Shawk
LMAOOOOO dapper owns those frauds
dapper be out there watching tiktoks, solving a rubik's cube, playing his guitar while an r6 champion sweats it out
What was he c4-ing at the start