DIE GEHEIME BIOSYN-EINRICHTUNG IM NEUEN JURASSIC WORLD-FILM! Ich hatte die Idee, einen interessanten Parkbau zu versuchen, der sich dreht …
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DIE GEHEIME BIOSYN-EINRICHTUNG IM NEUEN JURASSIC WORLD-FILM! Ich hatte die Idee, einen interessanten Parkbau zu versuchen, der sich dreht …
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Hey does anybody know what building he used for the walkway that looked like a cage? Is it mod or dlc?
That's epic
Love it
Pls continue this series
Just got this game.
Pls do more rise of berk series
Pls do more rise of Berk series
I want to see the rip wrecker in action again
Plz make videos of jwe dinos in cages u know I like the battle royals but I miss the sanctuary mode u know
Plzz the sanctuary plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 8 love ur vids ur the best
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo becky !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha sucker pain with builds but I love the channel
Wow, I can’t believe that you made the base that was seen in the Jurassic World Dominion Trailer and that is incredible. You got teach me how you made in the first place, because is very interesting. By the way, if their is going to be a sanctuary in this version I’m in for it to rescue the dinosaurs. Bringing them to the Island that Mr. Lockwood wants them to in.
Sorry that I haven’t been watching ur vids I’ve been busy but I’m going to start again
What is the indominus mod name? I really love the mod.
What graphic card do you have because I have jurassic world and my game does not look like that
Can you make allosarus
I hope they improve dinosaur herding behavior aswell as deepening the territory mechanic so they don't sporadically spread out over a whole map
Love the content keep the good work going James
WOW!?! 👏👏🎉🥂🥳
Nice aviator glasses!
hey bro your face and your glass are you copy simon masrani face inside the the helicopter
This is just funny beaver
God that thumbnail dinosaur I really want that to be an actual thing you can have
like the glasses
Bro your spoiling the fucking movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love indotaurs I want it on jwa
Please make more episodes there so cool also what mod for the Indotaurus?
A yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooofuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
He said the trees are crashing the game:
The video he talks normally
When he was filming it he was probably talking slowly so they could cut out the lag XD
James's sanctuary looks better than the actual one
How do you create your own world without playing in sandbox mode like this video. Is this in chaos theory. My 7 year old son has been trying to figure out how you created this video. Thank you!
Tate Beaver…
I would love if ya could continue the series, it’s got great potential and so many hybrids you could put in.
Imagine they had these Dinos in the Facility like in the Video.