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Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Geschäft) Check …
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This is why rl needed epic
POLLO is the coolest solo queue teammate. He was in Retals´ video and he was one of the funniest in there
i have an idea for the rocket league but series, if you hit the ball it teleports to where it would stop would be impossible to read but i think it would be funny
first voice com I heard was a dude calling me a derogatory word for an African American. instantly turned off voice.
U need to play Nexto
Leth can we team up one day
While voice chat is pleasant and all, I'm gonna miss the commentaries that were explaining some situations, things I wouldn't think of.
I am only in gold and seeing you play like that encourages me.
"3:00" did he just call you a crackhead? LOL
I'm glad I'm not NA ssl I'd be gobbly gooping so bad instead of comms. That's a real phrase, and a perfect example of what I mean…
Comming is fun when you're GC or higher, since comms on low ranks is nothing more than trash talking
I don't care I'm leaving a 3rd comment, 6:00 funny shake is funny, good editing.
Ya comms in gold and low plat are none existent unless its some kid screaming your trash the whole time.
i have voice chat turned off because i have 2 kids, if a stranger heard them they would child protective services on me for the amount of screaming they produce for no reason at all. its like i live with a flock of pterodactyls.
I’m a little torn on voice chating because the first game I went into the guy said “your fncking throwing kid”
I’m also In gold if anyone was wondering.
3:20 leth vs his teamate from last round
the reason people keep coms shut off is due to the toxic players. soooo many toxic players.
I mean I would use voice chat but unfortunately there are still way too many toxic players. First match after I turned it on I got shit on instantly although we still one. Think its also because it was 3s and they were partied up but I really don't need that. There aren't any good comms in champ anyway
I mean, its very good but if your controller disconnects, voice chat disables and changes the audio
Voice chat is nice in high lvl lobby but i think that will make your work even harder tbh because of bad mouthing or telling names on chat
That last game was fantastic
I’m not sure my rank will work out with comms… it’s kinda toxic in plat and they all think they do no wrong
bro leth got fatal as a opposite team and teamate
Aaaayyyy Pollo say him in a voice chat video one day. Also for a sec I thought it was my tablet that frozen
It's cool hearing the higher mmr players voices cause you normally see them but you don't know what they sound like
Try voicechat in every region!
Tbf if I got in a game with 3 pros I’d be nervous too
that Envy sub seemed fairly nice and good at the game, showed a lot of potential. Hope we can see him on a starting roster someday
I love how only one of my threes teammates max uses VC at any time, even if they do I'm in EU so they probably don't speak English
Literally my first time using the voice chat feature was 2 hours ago and it was in a tournament where I solo queued and the 3 of us won the tournament and I truly attribute it to the voice comms being there. Changed the whole interaction style and we were rotating fantastically. D3 here so having squad trust isn't the easiest thing but it worked amazingly well for us
Who knew turbo would put danny to work so much

i domt know what this is but as a viewer watching the games with comms is so fun if u use comms in ur ranked vids id definetly watch them more frequently
So far it’s a little bit buggy but that’s to be expected I’m having trouble today talking with my mic isn’t working for some reason but I’ll try figuring it out.
Pollo was dope
Next up: Rocket league knockout (when it comes back) but everyone is toxic when they lose, and nods everyone can hear it!!!
Nice, i can finally say the n word without getting banned
Polska gurom
Can you even comm using nintendo switch?
"You fucken crackhead"
That had me in stitches hahahahaha
4-20 OT with Turbo… Man I love the comms with him. So basic, so sweaty, but hilariously brisk. The comms vids at high mmr are really good:] Please keep doing these :] And Leth, I have a question to ask: Do you think they should permanently add Knockout into the game? I have a bunch of friends who only joined into the game to play Knockout and felt like it would have been a good thing. But I would love to know your thoughts on the subject.
Fatal seemed very slow
Lol you could tell fatal was nervous, poor dude lol
Turbo is cringey