Von SpookLuke

48 Gedanken zu „Rocket League Nostalgia | Best Music/Songs From Rocket League Soundtrack (2015 – 2020)“
  1. YOOOOO guys thanks for watching and continuing the support here in 2021!

    If you're reading this RIGHT NOW, I am still recruiting a few last coaching clients. If you're interested in working with me, send me a message with the word, "YOUTUBE" over Discord DM

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    Once you DM me the word "YOUTUBE" on Discord, I'll get back to you within 24 hours. Talk soon!

  2. 2015. My dad not long got the new ps4. I had just moved away from my hometown and I left all my friends behind. Luckily, my best friend wrote his ps4 gamertag on a bit of paper in class and gave it to me (we were like 10 we didn’t have phones lol) so when I got to my new house, which was only 2 towns away, but for a kid felt like a long way. My dad showed me the new ps4 that he bought, and I instantly made an account, which I struggled to do lol, but when I did, I got the bit of paper and searched for his gamertag. I found it, and I invited him to a party. We talked and he told me about this game called Rocket League that came out. I didn’t know what it was, but I asked my dad if I could have it and he said yeah, and I installed the game and I remember the first time I logged on. The music hit me and I instantly loved it. Me and him played matches for hours on end, almost every night. We would have so much fun and we’d laugh until our throats were sore. Literally lmao that isn’t a joke. He got me to semi-pro, and we played for years and years. This game brought me so much happiness and good times. We still play it now! But I just wanted to share this lol.

  3. I think the old startup song is underrated and should be an honourable mention, really brings back the going back from school and turning on my playstation. Shame I don’t remember the song or artist though, ugh

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