Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Geschäft) Karte: …
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Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Geschäft) Karte: …
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My bones are feeling extra strong today
sussy baka
man simple shark needs to stop MILKing these food maps man..
6:42 When Mario dies.
Lethamyr: "had enough custom maps"
Simpleshark: "So… you have chosen… milk"
Has he done it where the ball is an octane and the cars are instead balls?
mmmmmmmm calcium
the thumbnail reminded me of gateron milky yellows for some reason (its a keyboard switch)
I think thats dads milk
8:53 i thought you'd say something like my father was never there to tell me
I was drinking milk when I saw this video lol btw nice content keep it up
Hi Lethamyr, I want to play against you to see how good I am for a diamond 3 but I play on Xbox so I can’t.
Just had a brilliant a idea. You guys should do the Air Race map against eachother.

6:43 Mario?
At this point leth could just upload anything and I’d still watch
i bet musty wouldn't like this video
6:44 Lethario brothers.
Is it the low fat kind? My mommy only lets me have low fat milk:(
SUS title I see!
Hello love your videos and very creative and.
im assuming leth and guh lost the wager due to this ad popping up on my screen
girl: “i bet he’s talking to other girls”
meanwhile our conversations with the homies: 1:55
@8:51 Lethamyr: " I don't know any milk jokes."
Looks like your jokes are all soured.
That last game is one of the sweatest games I’ve seen between everyone
This is musty's favorite map by far
Omg milk? Is my dad there?
Have you done rocket league in a ball?
Wth ???
Did Leth get to go to the store and get’s his MILK
Okay Mario
6:42 Mario???
6:43 lethamario
its CU.. wait what.
When I saw the title I was like “the walls are milk, the ground are milk, the CARS are milk, The BALL is milk, and………. THE AIR IS MILK
This is how much milk all the dads returned
I Got Leth Car Double Sided Hoodie & Leth Embroided Black & White ColorBook Hoodie & The Leth Text Logo Hoodie & The Leth Double Sided Car T-Shirt Are Coming
I love ur maps they always make me laugh
How this was so family friendly? xd