Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Laden) Spielen …
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Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Laden) Spielen …
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Flappy Bird in Rocket League vid out tomorrow, it's so much fun I can't wait to release the vid!
Leth, Please can you link the Rumble Gun Game mod by replying to this msg.
No one:…
Leth every video: This is actually really fun guys
10:33! Smart plunge play to score
Am I the only one that thought this was really boring
Also I feel like jg's laugh is way overdone and annoying at this point
Hey leth just want to see if you would like my idea. I think you should do another game of haymaker but when the timer for the ability ends you are forced to use it
It’s just something to add more chaos to the game
4 months ago Leth said if this was possible we'd get a toilet map
I just realized that your only 13 vids away from 1000
I thought I was good until I saw this video
Single Power-Up rumble but every demo decreases the cool down until you’re demo’d or someone scores
plunger is good tool
This would be so fun to watch with way more players on the field.
I can tell flappy bird will be chaos with the whole group of leths friends
Are there any artists out there that watch Leth, cause I would love to see a drawing of zurx in Lethamyr's backpack feeding him snacks
3:56 The way it just rolled perfectly off your car
No way I was the 4900th person to like bro my childhood dreams are complete
waiting on toilet map w/ only plunger…
Hey Leth, you should do grapple only with the new ball speed thing! See how bad it would get
Haymaker and plunger, 5 second cool down next?
sick intro
19:50 Leth you have too much power lol
This entire vid has "the power of friendship" energy
I feel like this with the Beach Ball physics would be wild
zurx walked so leth can run
I really wanna see you learn directional air roll. I wonder if it would impact your game play or not
10:55 “if only we could have a time machine” was that a reference to a future video???
Donde frank
"Spain without the S that's all I know"
Can relate Zurx… can relate
You should do a one second verson
6:52 “Spain without the s”
What about making an anti gravity ball with rumble
6:15 you gotta be kidding me

poor Z got mad