DM Me On Discord: In diesem Handbuch gehe ich die BESTEN Controller-Einstellungen und Bindungen für …
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DM Me On Discord: In diesem Handbuch gehe ich die BESTEN Controller-Einstellungen und Bindungen für …
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I’m gold to plat
Hi, I’m Plat and I need help getting to gc
I really hope you can help
my username is Altaccgaming1
Im in BRONZE and im really bad my epic name is eclanlife1 and i have no mic
Pls me im plat
Eo pls i need it pls i am so trash
And i love you and your vidio so pls can you
I'm the worst still this didn't help if made me worse and It makes me so bad at the game
I’m almost champ I’m d2
Platinum 1 please help
I am diamond in rocket league and my name in rocket league is: Uzamaki Clan757
Thanks for the advice man this is very helpful
*IMPORTANT* For those of you who might be younger or don’t know any better. DO NOT PAY THIS IDIOT FOR ANYTHING. You can get all the knowledge you need off of YouTube for free. Luke is ABSURDLY over priced, he is conceded and just overall a trash person. Please unsubscribe and ABSOLUTELY do not give him money.
Sabotage at its finest.
I'm playin , but it does take some long as time to get used too if your used to default settings
Your vids are great my rank is silver
User Merlin875787
You are god in rocket league
Can u do camra settings?
I am a silver three
Help me
Im rank dimond and i wanna be in gc
As an old fart. This has helped a heck of allot. Thanks! Now if only I could figure out the bindings.
really helped thank you!
Pure Liebe und Respekt für dich man, weiter so
Thankyou this helped so much
name:sprxnt9297 rank:gold plus i love your videos you are my favorite youtuber
your videos are so good
of course i subscribed
my rank is soooo noob im litrally gold
i play every single day
but everday i loose mr division
more division i meant
i would love to get to grand champ
so thank u so much and reminder i am a enormus fan and every day i watch ur videos
If you would train me that be really helpful but I'm only a Plat one
I'm at champion and still have default controller setting. I hate that it became defaulted that way because it's so hard to change and using my middle fingers for the back triggers is just unbelievably displeasing. I'll just be an above average pleb forever lol
These settings are cancer