Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Geschäft) Karte: …
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Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Geschäft) Karte: …
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Shortest introduction ever?!?
I had to click on the video when I saw the title!
Video idea here (not sure if it's been done. If it has I couldn't find it). SSL's vs Every rank but the SSL's have different controller inputs every rank. Meaning you can tell them what to set their controller inputs to. Like have drive forward be the boost button or have their ball cam button be their jump button. Funny shit like that. And you change their controller inputs after every rank so they can't get use to it. Maybe give them 5 minutes of Freeplay with the new set up so they can get a little use to it. Or don't and torture them!!
oh yeah epic does own rocket league does'nt it?
i wanna give a nice firm handshake to whoever was “rin tohsaka is best girl“
I’ve been meaning to say this but never got the chance so here it is Your intro is perfect it’s like a mix between just a normal like dumb intro with like Flashy things and intros with 3-D cringe music. Just love love love love love love love love love love love love love your intro best one in the world
Play with arsenal in the jungle map by froyo
The first time he died it was because the other guy was mid flip and so the front of his car hit the top of leths car
Ah yes
19:39 nOo, nO tHerE isNt
Rocket Royale: Battle League
Sounds like 4 words you would hear in a sentence
How the heck ppl r demoing themselves?
Leth i don’t know if you’ve ever heard of it but me and my buds used to play a game called wembley. It was a game with multiple teams of 2 all scoring on one goal. The last team to score each round was kicked from the game. You should try making a map and game mod with this premise
exuse me did i hear this correctly?
The thumbnail looks like ark parachutes
Imagine getting in a Lethamyr video and just looking like an idiot the whole time. Well now I don't have to imagine. Yay?
Hey leth is this in ur custom maps page yet? This looks really fun btw great video
Next we need fortnite but it’s rocket league
Hey lethamyr love the videos I have watched all of them. My favorite is when you destroy other rocket league players.
I have been trying to grow my YouTube channel but nothing is happening. Please shout me out in a video. It would mean the world to me.
Have a good day.
It’s a number 1 victory royal
this map / mode needs to be refined!
i hardly like most of BR games but this seems doable to be perfected!
It is Fake Now
Not Real
rin tohsaka is best girl is wrong hu tao actually is
Someone needs to stop this man simple shark
Name it rocket royal
let’s go! Fortnite
Leth and Keira be vibin tho
Rocket Royale : Battle League
Wish I could play this map
SIMPLE Shark is SIMPLY insane lol
Why no rumble??? Imagine a switch, tornado, boot, and boost gun
Why is leth not gaining subs now hes been stuck in 1.08 mill for a month

it was real battle royal
This wouldn've been a way better Fortnite crossover event
We need a rocket League skatepark lol
4:14 you have to stop playing rocket league you disobeyed the number one rule
Its a battle royale for boost
I was watching when leth said whaaaaat and oooowaoo
And now this is becoming reality on the 27th