44 Gedanken zu „Riesiger Hotfix wird ausgerollt – Escape From Tarkov“
The binaural audio fixes seem to coincide with the video Onepeg put out the other day discussing the Oculus Audio System. The system needs to have hard coded audio information for surfaces in order to properly render them at a distance, otherwise you end up with an inability to propagate sound around corners correctly. It seems like this fix was the engineers going into the maps and adding the correct tags to certain items. The long term corrections will be a much more difficult fix, and there will always be performance issues because of the calculations involved with wave-tracing, but from what Onepeg pulled out, it seems exactly what the devs would want
Idk what they did to servers but now I'm having 200+ ping on my usual server. I literally cannot play the game since it kicks me for having high ping. Fck my life
Okay it is a good update, BUT WHY where there so many bugs and incorrect features, like wtf, if you are going to make a game make it correctly the first time, same goes for anything else
Can't even open the damn game. I downloaded the hotfix and now everytime I hit play the launcher disappears then reopens like I didn't even hit play. I can't even play this shitty game at the moment. Anybody else having these issues?
So the real issues that are a problem they completely ignore, but the useless shit like selling items to jaeger at a higher durability? Like fucking seriously? What about the memory leak issue? What about the cheating issue in literally 100% of the games you play? Why not address the problems the people really care about, BSG SWEARS we are all playing on streets with 40-50fps. Fucking fix this piece of shit, god I can’t wait for someone to take their idea and make a better game
Ever since the update my game crashes every 5 minutes, do you guys know a fix to that? Before the update it crashed 1-2 times whener I started gaming but later in raids it was fine.
It seems to be better. Not only is my framerate slightly smoother, it seems to be tighter feeling in general. I hope the good changes keep coming. I can play online again, yay.
i install the update and now cant hear sound from game like noone sounds like i dont have a headset on but everything else program i hear did someone know how to fix it ?
bug with the red dot on top of hammer sight. if you DONT aim down sight in 4X before you switch to your red dot on top, your shots will be off! you have to aim down sight through the hammer, then switch to the red dot, for the red dot to be accurate now. otherwise you hit low.
The binaural audio fixes seem to coincide with the video Onepeg put out the other day discussing the Oculus Audio System. The system needs to have hard coded audio information for surfaces in order to properly render them at a distance, otherwise you end up with an inability to propagate sound around corners correctly. It seems like this fix was the engineers going into the maps and adding the correct tags to certain items. The long term corrections will be a much more difficult fix, and there will always be performance issues because of the calculations involved with wave-tracing, but from what Onepeg pulled out, it seems exactly what the devs would want
Idk what they did to servers but now I'm having 200+ ping on my usual server. I literally cannot play the game since it kicks me for having high ping. Fck my life
I cant turn off inventory sounds pls help
Hey axel thank you for everything you do for tarkov community
Hopefully aside from the audio fixes regarding binaural , they also fixed the suppoussed fps hit when enabling that setting…
They really wanted to roll out that muzzle brake
but seriously this all sounds like good stuff if it works.
me and my mate have disconnects since yesterday… we already new installed the game, cleared cache and so on… has someone an Idea ?
streets artifacts were seen when barely peaking around corners
Неиграбельные улицы. Это 3,14здец если честно. Опять полгода ждать.
Okay it is a good update, BUT WHY where there so many bugs and incorrect features, like wtf, if you are going to make a game make it correctly the first time, same goes for anything else
Fixed Scav aim board
bro after this hot fix i have no in game audio
I wish some day they fix blind fire like it was before when you were able to shoot in movement and was really useful
I tried playing streets last night and it was 2 hours of rubber banding disconnecting garbage
Sleep well cutie
Isn’t this the last update you’re talking about yo?
Even with Binaural audio off. It felt very "wonky" at times. But someone plz let me know if its actually fixed now and better to just turn it on.
Binaural audio still bad don't use it
Any word on whether you can still hear light footsteps from 50M away, or if it's fixed?
Your mic is so "good" I can hear you swallowing your spit…..
I love the vibe of your channel. Great audio and awesome vibes
I'm hoping the new muzzle brake allows Thor to be put on hk
Nice to see, just hoping for an optimization update in the future. thanks Axel
It looks like stutters on Streets are gone.
Can't even open the damn game. I downloaded the hotfix and now everytime I hit play the launcher disappears then reopens like I didn't even hit play. I can't even play this shitty game at the moment. Anybody else having these issues?
I’d love to know which keys you think are best for each map
Honestly the launch was rough with streets lag and the aim bot scavs but BSG is coming thru with fixes super quick. They are killing it!
So the real issues that are a problem they completely ignore, but the useless shit like selling items to jaeger at a higher durability? Like fucking seriously? What about the memory leak issue? What about the cheating issue in literally 100% of the games you play? Why not address the problems the people really care about, BSG SWEARS we are all playing on streets with 40-50fps. Fucking fix this piece of shit, god I can’t wait for someone to take their idea and make a better game
your voice is good for asmr
Half this shit won't be fixed and there will be dank new glitches n bugs….love bsg!!
Ever since the update my game crashes every 5 minutes, do you guys know a fix to that? Before the update it crashed 1-2 times whener I started gaming but later in raids it was fine.
Is using binaural audio now recommended over the default?
they fixed the audio but im still getting lag with binaural on
Somehow they broke interface volume
It seems to be better. Not only is my framerate slightly smoother, it seems to be tighter feeling in general. I hope the good changes keep coming. I can play online again, yay.
Didn’t see new muzzle break but I do see a new thermal reflex sight
Damn, BSG getting it done this week. Let's goooo
Ultimate Rat Simulator
i install the update and now cant hear sound from game like noone sounds like i dont have a headset on but everything else program i hear did someone know how to fix it ?
hey Axel there is a problem with streets after i get done with raid the game freezes and stops responding and its only streets that does it
bug with the red dot on top of hammer sight. if you DONT aim down sight in 4X before you switch to your red dot on top, your shots will be off! you have to aim down sight through the hammer, then switch to the red dot, for the red dot to be accurate now. otherwise you hit low.
I love everybody being positive onepeg is still managing to be negative about a one gigabyte update that fixed a lot of things
Did a scav run on streets with bin on and just light stutters. Nothing game breaking like i was having before.
Anyone else notice the game is much darker now?