Erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Trophy Room / Kitchen-Site auf Chalet mit einer echten Pro League Strat aus dem ESL Pro League Match zwischen …
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Erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Trophy Room / Kitchen-Site auf Chalet mit einer echten Pro League Strat aus dem ESL Pro League Match zwischen …
© Artikelquelle
More like this!
I would prefer more quick tips like your previous video's, but I think it would be nice if you did detailed video's too. Your content is entertaining and usefull in Rainbow. Maybe you should include video's of you playing Rainbow and perhaps using some of your new/old tactics? Anyway I wish you the best of luck and thank you for the great content. Have a good one and take it easy.
More vids like this please so good
Really high quality video :3
Love it
Make both kind of videos
Great video! Just a heads up though – Planting the defuser on top of the display case is so that, yes, you can see it from the window, but it's also because when they defend trophy room/kitchen the defenders usually play a Pulse and have him play under trophy/in garage. The second attackers try to get that plant down in trophy, since the floor is destructable, Pulse C4s them from under. So, planting on the display case can save you from it!
Really good channel, where are u from? U sound Swedish, haha sounds almost like my uncle when he speak english its kinda fun. Keep up the good work!
Nice one bud!
I prefer this format but also like the other one so…. Do both
6:15 . How did you do that with the two maps .
Didn't excellence win 9 rounds in a row after elevate won first?
Sometimes I feel like these pros have like 50 reinforced walls per player. Great video!
your vids are so good
More like this
Keep doing videos like these
Great videos great work man
More of these plz
I would love a series like this where someone breaks down pro league plays
I hate how you can only see what the casters are letting you see :/ I wish it was like cs:go where you could look at the game and choose who to spectate yourself! Anyways, good series idea and please bring more videos like this :DD
I love your videos. One thing I do recommend is show snippets of the defensive and offensive strategies and then show us how to do them, rather than playing the whole pro league gameplay
A lot of these pros rocking reflex, is that the new meta?
IF you and bikini talk i dont think ik who is who anymore gdi
where do you go to do that shit at 6:25 to see the map and stuff?
So good!
U should make strat videos for all the ranked maps
I know I’m late but I subbed bro god stuff. Even though I have a 3 man squad we get the job done.
1:10 how to tell if a video is outdated.
can we have both dude!!!