Beginnend mit unserer neuesten (nicht so neuen) Komplettlösung kehren wir in Pokemon Yellow in die Kanto-Region zurück! Alles beginnt mit dem Greifen …
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Beginnend mit unserer neuesten (nicht so neuen) Komplettlösung kehren wir in Pokemon Yellow in die Kanto-Region zurück! Alles beginnt mit dem Greifen …
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Happy birthday Draven lol
This got me feeling nostalgic. That's it I'm gonna restart my Yellow version and play along with the episodes!
This video was really
! I enjoyed this video a bunch! I’ll well watch all of your, videos of Pokémon Yellow.
Love this game. The only one where Pikachu comes with the Light Ball power up without needing the actual light ball equipped. Good times, good times.
Belated Happy Birthday day
I searched this cause I have this game on my Gameboy but only have 1 badge but I have the next gym unlocked
Kind of hard to think that Eevee may have been Ash’s first pokemon – and thus taken pikachu’s place throughout the whole manga and anime.
It’d be cool if they remade this game or put out another version where you could get Eevee. Then Eevee could follow you around.
8:03: And this is why Let's Go Eevee makes up for this infamous problem for all those players, including myself, who wanted the loveable Eevee, since Blue shoves you away and steals the poor thing before you could grab it. Technically, EEVEE was the Pokemon you supposed to have, not Pikachu (I still laugh as Blue's push looked convincing for those low-tech graphics).
By the way, thanks for the nostalgia. I still have my original Yellow cartridge, though, and still use on my old Game Boy Color (it's a bit faulty due to age) or GBP. Obsolete doesn't mean terrible. Still a great game, today, after over 20 years.
i started playing pokemon yellow 14 years ago when i was 3 Y… my uncle got mad bc he got 0 pokeballs left and pc full of caterpies
no… jolteon is Sparky… Pikachu is… SlaveOfRed
i remember this game. this game is one of the most challenging until later generations 5- 8.
Did you use a ROM for this walkthrough? Been looking to start my own series on Yellow, but the audio has been crackling/popping on both
VBA and VBA-M…
Love this video
Pokemon Yellow!! Pikachu is still my favorite pokemon
Happy Very Belated Birthday
The nostalgia is so surreal
my 3rd favourite pokemon game after Crystal and Black and White.
i literally bought Pokémon yellow and green to relive my childhood
Just watch video. 28 is not to old. I am 34 and still play
Your videos are good to sleep to I don’t know if that makes sense or not lol got a pretty good narrator voice bro. You ever thought of doing a road to full shiny team play through?
I just subscribed. Im playing pokemon Red version 2 along with this except im in Viridian already. Its alright we all lose battles from time to time. I already got 7 out of 9 pokemon. My goal is to complete the pokedex to a degree no legendaries or anything just all 146 Pokemon Porygon is the only legendary I plan to get. I even make up rules so I can challenge myself.
11:13 hahahaha
My Pikachu name is thunder boy
Great game. The 4th best game.
I'm about to start playing along!
thank you for the series!!
I'm younger than these games and bought them for the experience that my parents always talk about and so far it's better than any of the normal Pokemon games oh also I edited this to say I love how you can make your Pokemon follow you while you just walk around
Ahhh..I was 7 when red/blue came out, 9 when this came out and 10 when gold/silver came out. I played them all religiously and loved the show and my card collection trading with all the other kids. It wasn’t just a product it was a culture lol. Such simple good times!
Bit late but happy birthday
For me, this is the best of all the Pokemon games! It's a controversial opinion I know, but I love how it follows the original anime and is seemingly very simple, but it can get increadibly complex based on what kind of Pokemon team a person wants to travel around with.
Damn you are most definitely not getting too old for this dude.. trust me I know… I'm 33 and also play the first 2 gens lol #LoveIt
I played pokemon yellow for the first time on an emulator earlier today and jesus christ the pikachu cry sounds horrible
dude where did you find that map which shows available pokemon in that area ?
It’s September 2022 just got my hacked 3DS so I’ll be replaying all the Pokémon games from start and I’ll be watching your journey while I’m on mine
Umm.. so I named my pikachu pikabussin
dude just found this series and loving it, i am older than you but as you say do what you want. Peace dude
I didn’t take ANY damage against the lab eevee because tail whip kept missing