Pokémon Hier sind einige meiner Tipps und Geheimnisse zu Pokémon Go, um Spielern zu helfen, die etwas verwirrt sind. Es gab keine …
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Pokémon Hier sind einige meiner Tipps und Geheimnisse zu Pokémon Go, um Spielern zu helfen, die etwas verwirrt sind. Es gab keine …
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I really need help, I'm walking in the real world and my character never walks
On my Pokemon go its says top of my screen it's says Location not detected… NEED HELP PLS
Love outro song very nice remix
thanks bro ill be the best i can in my city caude of you
Pokémon XD Gale of Darkness music nostalgia
i have Colosseum too 
Really good video.
What's the hype about chariZard
3:58 rough start?? really? rough start???
Ovi what's the best begging and common pokemon to evolve and power up?
I went to an amusement park, and when we went into our first ride, the man at the control LITERALLY said this:"Welcome to this roller coaster, everyone! Please put the safety belts on throughout the whole ride. Do not use your phones, take pictures,
Or catch any Pokemon while the roller coaster is moving. Thank you." U cannot believe what state my minds as in at that moment
Idk if it's just me but I'm more accurate at throwing pokeball with my index finger
so i herd u liek mudkipz
my pokemon go says can not detect phones orientation I have a Sony Xperia E4 any fixes for this guys and gals?
am i the only one that keeps getting drowsee like its so common its very hard for me to find something else why idk if u know the problem please help
love the outro!!! OMG!!!
Pokemon GO tips.
1) Get Vaporeon and spam tap Water gun until you win.
2) Seriously, that's it.
3) Why are you still reading this? Vaporeon is an auto-win. He's broken. (Beat gyms with all electric and grass types with him all the time.)
Also you don't need to hold a Gym for 24 hours. You can claim the bonus only once every 21 hours but you only need to have something in the Gym. So claim a bunch of Gyms and claim the bonus.
anyone needs coins!? the cheat got leaked guys
its posted here – https://plus.google.com/101777077696917871618/posts/FBweaPGSDea
You don't have to wait 24 hours to collect coins for being in control of a gym. You can claim them immediately after leaving a pokemon there. Then there's a 20 hour wait before you can claim again.
21 hours for gyms but you can get it straight awea no need to wait but you can only click it every 21 h 10 coins and 500 startdust for every gym
why wont none of my nickmames work
I feel like when you transfer a Pokemon that is in its second or final stage, you should get more candies. It feels wrong to transfer a Machoke or a Graveler or something and just getting one candy. Bull crap. Also, improve the tracking system. I can't tell you how many times I'll be trying to track something and it will go away and so I'm like "oh ok it must be the other direction." So I turn around and it comes back on my screen but I never find it. Then I turn back and keep walking past where it originally went away and then it pops up….I don't understand why there's a tracking system of it's going to be so horrible.
I kinda wish there was more characterization
Thanks for the hints
What was that outro music ????
I have a problem with the game cause i live in the countryside and there is no fricking POKEMON AROUND!!!!!
that is just what i did when i started i got a pikachu, thanks 2 the internet
I really like Pokémon Go because when I played Pokéwalker thingy it really sucked and was really glitchy and wouldn't let me transfer Pokémon to my DS
There are so many cheaters who go on sites to get free Pokécoins or something and gets on my nerves because 2 days after the game released where I live… There were Dragonites over 1000 CP in some gyms!
Suomi perkele!!!!