Es war ein schönes Major für uns! Schauen Sie zurück auf all die besten Clean Sweeps, 500IQ-Aufnahmen und Voicecomms von Chicago, JKnaps und …
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Es war ein schönes Major für uns! Schauen Sie zurück auf all die besten Clean Sweeps, 500IQ-Aufnahmen und Voicecomms von Chicago, JKnaps und …
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This team is godly
The boys are vibin.
Where ma boy Rizzo tho?
Jknaps loves the word “ducking”
Cago 500 iq plays catches the impostor
bruh dont do rizzo like that, my boy is scared of rocket league now
lets gooo
epic prank on rizzo
U guys are goated but tcorrell's triple fake though 😳
F in the chat for Rizzo but welcome dreaz
the best these boys have performed yet! makes me excited on what’s to come, so let’s go g2!
yo dreaz is lowkey nuts once he gets more experience in the pro scene he’ll be one to watch out for g2 could go on a serious tear
can we see more gameplay with comms rather then footage from the RLCS stream? I already watched all of their series live I don't need to hear the casters again. I'm not hating at all just a suggestion.
The pain is Cago’s “oh shit” at the end was sad as they were so close. ggs tho