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Thanks for 50k subscribers! I love you guys Be sure that you are following me on Twitch as well! I am getting close to 25k https://www.twitch.tv/shawkr6 Antworten
Bro I just started watching at 10k bro you’ve grown so much keep up the good work road 2 100k Antworten
Keep up the good work and you make me better just by watching. Hopefully I could get a chance to play with you. Antworten
This man legit does the deadpool thing and gets everyone on the other team to share 1 mag. He doesn't need to reload, I don't understand Antworten
Thanks for 50k subscribers! I love you guys
Be sure that you are following me on Twitch as well! I am getting close to 25k
Bro I just started watching at 10k bro you’ve grown so much keep up the good work
road 2 100k
Keep up the good work and you make me better just by watching. Hopefully I could get a chance to play with you.
What are you doing to your game look so nice?
How do you get the shark weapon skin
This man legit does the deadpool thing and gets everyone on the other team to share 1 mag. He doesn't need to reload, I don't understand

this guy is so underrated,his aim is just so crisp and his game sens is the best ive seen
Title about ace rush
*One clip of it
Best rainbow youtuber i seen so far
shawk back at it again playing new hatch on kafe……..Legendary
Is it me or the recorder a bit laggy?
what do you to warm up and get ya aim on point all the time
good clips but why does the game look like a mobile game
Bro please a question how did you get the Shawk weapon skin
@shawk how do you get you shawk skin it looks awesome
Does it not show your health in pro league?
Why hello shark brethren
Yo so I’ve been watching your videos what is that camo
I whant to play with you
Your just better omggggg

That Rook run out. O M G!!!
That ace trick is pro leuge ready
Omg ur so underated
After the rook spawn peek in Kafe I immediately subscribed.
Shark vs godly like if u want them to 1v1
Wait I’m the hatch in kafe on the roof was reinforced like how …? 40 sec
The best
how u get your crosshair like that
Shawk what is your jackal attachments?
Wow support becomes frag aight
I didn’t know t hunt had 5v5
much love
keep up the good work and keep grinding
Please can you make me silver my level still 40
Why does it feel like his game is so bright?
Can you tell us your new sens setting for different scopes?
I subscribed right after he killed Monty and the guy on the roof lol
At the firt sec on caffe how they reinforce the hatch OL_o