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Danke fürs zuschauen! Verwenden Sie den Code „SHAWK“, um 10 % Rabatt auf Ihr eigenes SkyPAD aus 100 % Glas zu erhalten!
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Use code "SHAWK" to get 10% off your own 100% Glass SkyPAD! https://www.skypad-gaming.com?p=ByhTiYJpt
lol king george still plays this game, he wasnt even relevant anymore 3 years ago
nice cheats bro
Shawk buy a Xbox so you can do the plats vs diamonds Xbox edition
repeated clips
shawk i might by a pc from apex im trying to get the great white i dont have a keyboard or anything like that do you think i should get that stuff from apex too or no
100% cheating, copper at best
I think king georg clip is old clip
First time I clicked a video and the siege player actually played nasty good.
Ima play sledge more now after watching this vid
osa just better
u need to fix these 30 fps clips it actually hurts my eyes to watch pls shawk
great vid broda
yo shawk do you recommend azami, i've been thinking about, (btw love your vids)
5:38 my first bullet through that wall I would have been one tap wall banged
Fire vid
Best r6 youtuber ong
You changed your Sequenz settings? The Video is not so fluid
yo shawk, how come you always record clips in 30fps?
yo shawk whats the sledge skin you got?
if i ever get in a game with shawk im dipping
rEX is lokey lost
Hey shawk
Bit late with the comment but great vid
Whoever’s reading this, I hope that whatever your going through gets better and whatever your struggling with or worrying about is going to be fine and that everyone has a fantastic day!../
Bro watching Rexx was hilarious
The daily uploads are crazy bro keep it up
“New“ shyco peak
I got that 1k like
whenever i watch shawk and then play some ranked games i littelary always win i am not able to loose when i just watched shawk i need serious help
If Shawk is on the other team I'm taking a ban or surrendering aint no way
nice headset what is it
We need SHAWK x Skittlz video
Im surprised King George didn't accuse you of hacking, probably did verbally
its just his gaming chair he's legit trust me bro
how to remove score ath on each kills ?
Nice ond more r6 video i have miss tour videos Because you are amazing to r6

Plz never stop to play r6 I will miss you
I follow you and have du the bell thing
hey shawk! i’m new to the channel and love the vids! one quick question, what mousepad do you use? i’ve been looking for a new one and wanted some suggestions! thanks! keep up the good vids!
Hey shawk could u please show me how to upload my clip to ur google drive
“He’s dead” “Alright bet” the callouts are on point
why don’t you try something original?? i feel as if your trying to do what thaqils doing
@shawk what monitor should I buy for best performance ?
The guy cheating has a main called Steezy_.
This is why your my favorite YouTuber