Sieh dir Anleitungen an, um dein Smash Ultimate-Spiel zu verbessern! Brauchen Sie einen neuen Charakter, um zufrieden zu sein …
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Sieh dir Anleitungen an, um dein Smash Ultimate-Spiel zu verbessern! Brauchen Sie einen neuen Charakter, um zufrieden zu sein …
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Thank you so much I was starting to just trying to move on to a new main until I watched this
I wish Falco had the same Air speed as fox, It would make sense for Falco to have the same air speed as fox because he is a falcon
Bruh, brawl falco was way more viable than ultimate falco could ever dream of being
I main Falco since ultimate game out. No regrets. It’s been an uphill battle but very worth gaining why skill I have out of it.
Falco was my man in Melee, i got to master him in ultimate now….
It's all about the bird!!!!!! just saying
Falco in melee is the slowest character in the top tier not raw speed in melee
At least if speed means running speed
You don’t see many Falco players in the top. It’s a shame, cause I like m Falco more than Fox and Wolf.
Falco gang
Dude, Brawl falco is 10 times more viable than ultimate falco
Falco was godlike in brawl.
Falco been my main since melee and it will never change lol. GPS over 6,000,000+ Percy baby
Honestly wish he was represented more by the pros. Feel like he is highly underrated and I think he is at least A tier
I want to pick up falco except my friend is a luigi main who spams down special :/
Up tilt drag down nair is better at low percents. People without fast combo breakers get destroyed. You can 0-100 a rob with up tilt drag down nair into up airs into a back air
Personally, he pefers it!!
Falco is the only character I can actually beat my cousin with lol
This is a good quick guide tbh well done wow
This character is so annoying with its multi hits
Just picked up falco yesterday and I'm hooked.
That aint falco
"While Falco is the lowest ranked space animal"
He ain't a walking highlight reel.
He prefers the air.
Falco main here kinda late but u didn’t mention the hands off my cawk
If falco prefers the air, why is his recovery so shit
Falco? No I think his name is Revali
learning falco is easy, but mastering him is another story
3:48 apparently I completely missed the patch when they made down tilt spike.
Proud falco main
0:47 falco main here, and short hop fair literally is falco neutral… it can cross up shields, it can shield poke, it’s fast, it lingers, it has a landing hitbox, and it can be safe on some characters
I am considering Switching to Falco I was a Mario main, however I seem to get crushed by certain friends of mine who are what I consider a level 9.
I'm picking him up in honor of my friend who dropped him to play Roy