40 Gedanken zu „Mage PvP Gear Guide | Classic WoW Phase 2 | Ranking and NON-Ranking Sets“
  1. Do you prioritize spell crit over spell dmg for frost pvp? Because I have two sets I mix, one gives me 270 spell dmg and 7% crit, the other gives 200 spell dmg but 12% crit, so not sure which to go with.

  2. Hey North, I've heard of your name a long time ago but I found your videos after watching the mage series conversations with Kargoz. Just wanted to take the time to say that I thoroughly enjoyed your part of the conversation and watching your mage specific videos is really furthering my knowledge of classic. I'm looking forward to your new content and hope you can continue making these videos for us. Cheers!

  3. gl getting rank 14 i did that on p servers. its Not a healthy grind and its ongoing for like half a year. day and night. kind of useless for 99.999% of the playerbase. Rank 10 is super doable for casuals.

  4. High North, good content as always thank you. Just wanted to see if you had an opinion on/ever tried caster tanking as a mage? Get as much resistance as possible and PVP with it, magic absorption talent etc. Cool theory I'm trying to work on it myself.

  5. Your guide is really good at showing what your goal is, but it doesn't give you any information on how to get there. I have killed Ragnaros 8 times and have only seen 1 mageblade drop and I did not win it. I have seen 1 mana igniting cord which I did not get neither. This list is very powerful but you have to pray for the RNG. What is the goal? Necropile Set, Arbiter's Blade, or Seal of Rivendare. Bracer's slot has a BoE available called arena wristguards which has the 1% that you get from the STV chest.

  6. For pvp wouldn't the grand marshal/high warlord staff be better? or does that 1% crit just make the difference. Giving up so much stamina for spell power, when like the coefficients on our instant casts is not the best.

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