39 Gedanken zu „KEYBIND LIKE A PRO – WoW PvE Keybinding Guide“
  1. Great video for newer players. This year I got myself the corsair scimitar with the twelve buttons nad I just can't play without it anymore. What I did, I bound the mouse buttons 1-12 to F1-F12. So I have another 12 button action bar with easy access. And I now use shift+F1 to shift+F12 for some of my less frequently used mouseover macros.

    Keep up the good work Hyper

  2. Awesome video!

    I actually use Mousewheel Up and Mousewheel Down for my main rotational abilities! So, on my DK, I have Festering Strike on MwU and Scourge Strike on MwD. Similarly for Blood, I have Marrowrend on MwU and Death Strike on MwD. There's something about that forward and backwards scrolling that I really like for main abilities.

    We've all got our own way of creating keybinds, and once you've got a basic layout down, it becomes so easy to transition into other classes. I know, for example, that my movement ability will always be on Z, main abilities on Mousewheel, and so on.

  3. I guess giant hands pay off, I use the 5 and 6 key for most of my toons, though usually 6 is for upkeep stuff (slice n dice/inquisition, etc).
    Thanks for the video! I never thought to unbind my turning keys. I havent even used them in combat in years, but I guess I always thought them of them as unchangeable.

  4. I'd like to share one – for me – important thing: if you move with WASD, always put panic buttons (mobility/escape or defensive CD skills) to your mouse buttons 4 and 5.
    In a dangerous situation where you have to move out fast it's much easier to activate your move speed buff/escape jump/blink etc. with the other hand than pressing W to run out and press another key with the same hand.
    On my DK I use Wraith Walk on mouse 5 to move out and AMS on mouse 4 if I have to soak it.

  5. I am shocked…i was always wondering how others can walk effortlessly sidways without holding down right click…all these years of stress…thanks Mate i feel as if i learned how to walk again after years of being bedridden

  6. for my keybinds so far i have

    Q, 1, 2, 3, 4, E, R, F, V, C, X, Z for action bar 1-12 respectively, and have each modifier key + the aforementioned keys bound to the extra action bars. for the last action bar i do:

    5, T, G, B, c-5, c-T, c-G, c-B, s-5, s-T, s-G, s-B, for 1-12 respectively.

    i don't really want to use S for a bind tho, makes me feel wrong if i don't have the full WASD even if i avoid using the S. the strong use of modifiers isn't that confusing to me since i use a keyboard driven window manager on linux and keyboard driven programs in the terminal, so i'm able to pick up on keybindings in anything pretty easily.

  7. If I had to choose one word to describe the quality of your content it would be high. NO but seriously… This should be mandatory for all wow players. Or at least strongly suggested. FUNDAMENTALS are KEY.

  8. Im new to Warcraft and the main head scratcher is 'how do you associate a key to an ability?'. None of the key bind videos seem to show that. I understand how to associate an action number to a key but not how to associate it to a chosen skill????

  9. Wow you are absolutely right. After 2 years of playing a very complicated MMO, I actually never realized the most important thing about keybinds. To keep the most frequently used ones closest to the WASD keys on keys that you already have muscle memory on. The game I'm playing came stock with abilities being the 1 through = keys and I just thought nothing of it and started playing using 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,-,=. But now after seeing good players keybinds I am realizing you're right. You made me realize, through keybinding my attacks to 1,2,3,4,q,e,r,z,x,c,v ,that I can by memory press any one of those keys very quickly and without having to reach far or having to look at the keyboard. This was obviously extremely necessary for me to understand as an aspiring top-level PVPer. You taught me a good lesson I never knew. Now, knowing this, this is what I should be building upon going into more intermediate keybinds. This was the proper foundation of the basics I was looking for but couldn't figure out.

  10. ok thanks for the video, dont want to be a hater or stuff like that but how about you show us at least one frame of your settings menu or the actual in game action bars to see the key bindings, show an example, not just suggest. show more wow screen instead of your cool gamer setup software for your keyboard+mouse, its confusing for people with lower iq. cheers !

  11. I just use the stock buttons on my mmo mouse as is with shift/ctrl/alt as modifiers. With the global cooldown it’s easy enough to always reach the ability you need, and you never have to take your fingers off your movement keys. That easily gives me 48 buttons to use if needed.
    Then I just have all my menu buttons bound around movement keys with modifiers on those as well.
    I need to be better about putting similar abilities on consistent binds across all my characters, but I generally manage ok.

  12. Change all your keybinds and level a fresh character of the class you want to play. They start with only a few abilities and affords you the opportunity to commit a few keys to muscle memory at a time. In a couple of weeks, you’ll be ready for the big leagues!

  13. Quick question: I just bought a Corsair Scimitar Pro today and successfully bound the G1-12 buttons to Ctrl + F1-F12. However, I noticed that in WoW, when I press these buttons while holding down right click to spin the camera, the G1-12 inputs interrupt my camera rotation so I have to hold down right click again to spin the camera after I press any side buttons. Is there any way to fix this so the side buttons can be used while still having full control of the camera?

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