32 Gedanken zu „Ist GYARADOS die neue ANTI-META-Wahl? | Pokemon Schwert und Schild VGC 2022 Showdown Live“
  1. Quick question: how’d you get your showdown to look like that with the teams on the left and right and the ratings displayed. Also love your content just started following and it’s all phenomenal really shows how it’s possible to win with anything. Reminds me of how me and my friend build teams we just need to get better at actually playing out matches

  2. QOTD: Kyurem Black. It struggles against Zacian and Incin, the two most common mons, which makes it hard to use, BUT it has a great matchup against a lot of the meta. Kyogre, all genies, the grass types, Groudon, eleki etc. It’s tough to use tho

  3. I thought about running a bulky support Gyarados with Alolan Marowak. Something close too the World Cup variants with T wave, but Power whip is too good to pass up. Lightning Rod is a life saver with all the Thundurus/Eleki everywhere. But I'm torn with how to support Marowak outside of Trick Room. I figure I want to use Calyrex Ice and something else.

  4. So it looks like a lot of the meta has shifted since I last started following VGC format. It looks like there's a lot more switching, but more importantly a lot of really important pokemon are weak to rock. Do you think it could possibly be a new Anti Meta to start running a stealth rocker just to force limit your opponent's switching with stuff like Incineroar, Calyrex-Ice, etc.?

  5. QOTD: Despite its falling out from Zacian Yveltal teams in early format, as well as its base stats just generally not passing the buck… Rotom Heat is a Pokemon that I imagine would have a good matchup into 'the team.' Building a viable team around Heat at this point in the meta is questionable… but it is an option. Gastrodon did begin as an 'option' vs Sword Fish after all.

    Edit: The Rinya version of the team (arguably the less popular version) does have that Trick tech that would invalidate Rotom H, but I think people have moved on from that set.

  6. Bulky Venusaur with weakness policy and a Clefairy with gravity is one of my favorite Charizard counters 😅👌a bold nature and a support move like fake tears can also allow you to return a OHKO on zacian while surviving a behemoth blade 😉

  7. QOTD: Had this funny idea to use Heliolisk as a counter-mon. Has the same sp. attack as Charizard and takes advantage from the sun with his own Solar Power. It's also faster than Charizard with a base speed of 109. You can run something like; Thunder(bolt), Weather Ball (for max flare) and Grass Knot to get rid of Gastrodon. Haven't decided on wich item to run.

  8. I've been running "that" team for a bit but with a crobat instead of a grimmsnarl, it's only ok to counter "that" team but with everything else i have to predict out of my wazoo

  9. Hello, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Abdullah and I would like to give you this message.

    I want you to know that the Lord (Allah) created this universe and this life.

    The existence of this universe is evidence of the existence of Allah, the universe can not create itself, The principle of causality applies to the universe.

    Life is also proof of the existence of Allah because life cannot arise from nothingness even after billions of years of its own, a living cell can not arise from something non-living on its own.

    If someone says, "Who created Allah?" We will say to him: If someone made a chair, this chair can not eat or drink, but at the same time the person who made the chair can eat and drink, which means that the product features and specifications do not have to be similar to the Features and specifications of the person who made this product, This universe and this life are created, but Allah who created this universe and this life does not have to be similar to this universe and this life, which means that he does not have to be a creature like this universe and this life.

    Allah is one, Allah does not have a mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, grandparents, grandchildren, etc. Allah is not one of the human beings who ate, drank, defecated and slept like Gautama Buddha and Jesus Christ. Allah is not Lakshmi or Ganesha or shiva or one of the other idols that cannot even keep flies and insects away from themselves. Allah is the true Lord, All other alleged gods are fake and unreal gods, Like Vishnu, Shiva, Devi, Hanuman, Jesus Christ, etc.

    Allah sent us prophets and messengers to guide us, All the prophets and messengers told the people to worship Allah alone, not to worship idols or humans or animals or other things like the sun or the moon or etc, because Allah has forbidden this forever, Adam was the first prophet, then the prophets came after him, including Abraham, Moses and Jesus Christ, but when Christians said they believed in the Trinity (Which is originally a stolen idea from pagan religions that preceded Christianity), and when they said that Jesus Christ is God and that he is the son of God (Contradictory descriptions!!!), Allah sent another prophet, He is the Prophet Muhammad and he is the last of the prophets. Allah sent the Prophet Muhammad to guide the whole world to worship Allah alone, If they become Muslims and follow The Qur'an and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, they will enter heaven, and who did not become Muslim and remained on Judaism or Christianity or Atheism or Agnosticism or Buddhism or Satanism or Hinduism or Paganism or any religion other than Islam will enter hell.

    I would like to introduce the greatest book that exists in the world to you, which is the Qur’an, it is the book of the Lord, Once you read the Qur’an you will feel that it is a special book, if someone asks me what is the evidence that the Qur'an is the book of the Lord, I will say that there is a lot of evidence that the Qur'an is the book of the Lord, such as that the Lord challenged mankind to produce just one chapter like the Qur'an chapters but mankind were unable to , and such as the absence of errors in the Qur'an, and such as Reports of matters of the unseen, both past and future, There is no doubt that any intelligent person will know that this book is divine.

    Reading The Qur'an will certainly convert you to Islam unless you are against The Truth, Therefore, I ask you to read the Qur’an with reflect and concentration and to do what is mentioned in it in order to enter a new world after death and to live the eternal life you wish for, and to have all the pleasures you want without getting a job.

    If you have any questions, find the answers in the right sources and stay away from false sources.

    I wish you guidance and happiness.


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