Sehen Sie sich hier die v3-Version des Kits an: Dies gilt nur für die v1-Version des Kits. Das v2-Kit nicht …
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Sehen Sie sich hier die v3-Version des Kits an: Dies gilt nur für die v1-Version des Kits. Das v2-Kit nicht …
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aliexpress link? thanks
or EU seller?
Is there a replacement case you do recommend? How do you like the silicone buttons you used?
Why not add the screen driver to the new board
Wow man very good video.I watched the whole thing and I am very impressed with this kit.I love how it has the separate board that allows you to change the color palette with ease.If this kit is less then $100 I plan on picking this up.Thx for the great video.I love how you go in great detail and you are very patient and careful explaining things.Keep up the good work man
So jealous, I want one but it’s Chinese New Year… will take for ever to ship right now.
what is the name of the board that you using to mettering voltage?
Going to fix up 4 of them that lost the displays to horizontal and vertical line failure and replace the assembly in my 100% functional PLAY IT LOUD Red system. Technology has come a long way and this is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Very Cool Upgrade – Fantastic Video & Work !
I don’t know what’s cooler, this new screen or your eevee band aid. Can’t wait for mine, this guide was really helpful. Hopefully the foot reveal will be next video.
Thanks and cheers
Thank you man. I was hoping to see another one done and wasnt aware it was available other than taobao. I've got a dmg on it's way from Japan I'll probably be doing this to.
That replacement display PCB would not have fitted if you hadn't removed the extra two stand-offs.
Like the band-aid!
Awesome video. I have one question about the kit. I noticed in the last bit of the video that when you power cycled the Gameboy that the LCD stayed on the green color pallet. Does it always stay on the pallet that you choose when you turn it off and back on? I don't care about the different colors so I would keep it on black and white 100% of the time.
I'll wait until someone makes one that has all the GBC and SGB custom color pallets
How would you say this compares to a backlit bivert dmg? In terms of pixel clarity/color?
Do you think it would be worth investing in one of these yet? Or wait for some other kit?
Interesting, i will wait for version 2 with a color palette equal to the original screen.
Diablooo I need this ASAP
another awesome video as always
Yes! IPS all the things.
It looks like this screen has the same issue as the first batch that I have (and later fixed). Look at the pokemon yellow title screen at 39:12 in this video, and then look at 4:25 in my video ( and you can see the color difference. If you have a backlit GBC/GBA/SP you can run the same test (change the color to black/white). Another example is to test with a Gameboy Camera, this will easily tell if the color is off. For people who are interested in this mod kit, make sure you get the fixed version.
This may be off topic a bit but, I think you should do some testing with the NES ports to the GBA with the Funny Playing IPS kit because, I noticed something strange going on.
What’s your estimate on battery life, I see it’s a little under half… about 10 hours? Thanks for the fast video, this is the one I have been most interested in seeing
Thanks for making this video, I really like this one! Would love to know how the power consumption stacks up.
I want to get a ez flash junior and use it in a backlit aio v2 gbc have you had any issue with the ez flash junior and have you tested it with a backlit gbc
Seems that screen is smaller than original isn't It?
Very good video! Very interesting this simple mod. Is there an equal one for gameboy pocket? That is ips screen and is full screen.
Couldn't they squeeze in a larger GB zero like screen in there since there's so much wasted screen estate lol
finally, an active matrix screen for the DMG instead of that crappy unreliable passive matrix screen. thats why i like the modding community, cause they make awesome things that make the retro consoles better. I have a gba with the funnyplaying IPS v2 screen.
Obviously IPS display demands a rechargeable battery solution.
We'll get some silver & batteries ready, just in case you turn into a WereGameBoy.
amazing ! is there some option to get this in Czechia or Slovakia ?
I bought this kit after watching your video and just got done with the installation and wanted to say thanks! I followed your video as I installed the screen and it came out great! This is going to be so much better to play even compared to my biverted DMG's. Thank you for making this video.
Is there anything in the works for an IPS or replacement screen for the Gameboy Pocket?
Sold out :,)
Can a rechargeable battery mod be added to that game boy?
U do have to cut the 2 side posts because the new front board doesnt have holes for that
Is that a retromodding in house shell? How is it? I got cheap China one from eBay and it feels like im holding a MC Donalds toy DMG when playing lol.
Just noticed they finally released a GBP version of the IPS screen.
Nice gameboy I have the special pikachu edition custom DMG IPS one! I wish I can show you how cool it is.
dmg wants oled
love your videoes very informative. Is your bench power supply a buildable kit i would really like to make one?
What microphone are you using?? I'm using IEMs and the sounds that your cat makes sound like surround, like it's in the room I am.
The chain flickering is there. At least, the camera picks it up.
I hate all them ribben cables
I had a weird issue with as you call screen rot I had one game pocket with screen rot and One that pretty banged up with a perfect screen when I exchange the screens the one with the screen rot a week or so later the spot disappeared That’s pretty weird
Interesting, i've never seen a pokémon yellow cartridge with a foil sticker :0
Perfect for my game boy DMG that i broken the original screen while i installed a backlite!
I want a kit to put an MGB display in a DMG.