Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Laden) Spielen …
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Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Laden) Spielen …
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I love your videos l subscribed
bro i bro really bro liked bro this bro match broooooo
Leth is one of the best players in RLCS history maybe why he wins so many times against his friends c; he lives in Canada like me
1:51 those moments are the rare ones that look like they're scripted


I got like almost 2500 hours played in rumble mode and I feel like this mode doesn't get the same level of love that regular Rocket League gets… There should be Rumble championships too!
Don't forget to support Lethamyr on Rocket League
So funny
Arsenal own goaling own goaling
On 19:00 i was like yesss somoene like me
Leths laugh when arsenal own goals
The beginning of Arsenal’s ptsd
Too easy
arsenal with disruptor on him "cant control my car"
me with same "yea im fine man"
16:13 the ball didn’t freeze
Insane vid!
The Arsenal tornado own goal I call it
At 2:44
I'm not accepting the fact this was 10 MONTHS AGO
'''the highest level of rumble 1v1'''
2 minutes later arsenal owngoals with tornado
Arsenal:ice nothing
That freeze at 4:20 made me laugh sooo hard lol. Arsenal’s reaction was so good
We're stupid heads
Stupid plastic thing
Do you think we might me and arsenal think we might lose and you might lose less would you like the challenge me to a 1v1
Are you DC tomorrow
Tomorrow we will have lots of fun arsenal and we might lose a tournament cuz of the SSL tournament we will lose cuz in rocket League I am a gold
Leth what is your camera settings
omg i love arsenal he is so funny