Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Laden) Spielen …
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Mein Support-A-Creator-Code: LETHAMYR Wenden Sie den Code im Rocket League Store an, um mich zu unterstützen! (oben rechts im Laden) Spielen …
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Who expected that end??? What a crazy match, had a ton of fun with this one! Tomorrow's video is INSANE! Can't wait to show you guys how it plays out
I think Leth has a crush on Arsenal
Kinda rude not to Athena flick at least once. smh
lethamyr with "no mechanics" beats one of the top mechanical pros in a game where all you need is mechanics
Double flip reset.
~Lethamyr 2021
Saying you should collab made me have an idea, what if you guys do a road to SSL in 2s togheter? The only difference with the other series is that you have to play with minimun mechanics, would be a fun and helpful exéperience to see you guys try to do some simple team plays
Ares literally says top conner nb and leth shots top Conner 2bs and arse:ur cracked insane cant beat him
14:22 leth should've gotten a letter because he said no ground and he did hit the ground so, witch means he would've lost because he would have horsepig and arsenal horsepi
Dude leth clearly just let arsenal win soooo pathetic
14:30 Arsenal said it can’t touch the floor bruh
Leth really brought back the E meme for the one time
Speed demon
its weird seein leth in the octane now ive just got used to seeing the dingo now im going back to these videos
Lmao leth lost as soon as he got pi because on that top corner off kick off arsenal said no bounce
Arsenal laugh is always the best

Best intro ever. No cap I watch just to see the intri
13:30 ur shot touched ground # arsy won a twice.
Pls dropshot with Squash and garretg vs you and arsenal
Was leth using alpha boost
U forgot to put the G at the end
Me, a plat: Bruh I'd be hitting those kickoff, no floor shots for days, EZ dub on the SSLs.
Arsenal do be gettin dropped after this lol
they will do anything to make a bit more money
The only youtuber besides sunless that uploads their L’s
Arsenal: I ain’t good at horse BUT I am good at horsepig
كيف نحمل لعبه روكيت لاج
You and Arsenal get 2 freestylers to play horse but u call the shots or the other way around
What if you did a map but with two balls
play tag
5:57 H.O.R. mmmm