Unterstütze mich und gib meinen Starcode TURTLE ein, wenn du Robux bei #Starcode #Roblox kaufst.“ „Support …
© Artikelquelle

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Unterstütze mich und gib meinen Starcode TURTLE ein, wenn du Robux bei #Starcode #Roblox kaufst.“ „Support …
© Artikelquelle
turtle can you pls give robux its my dream user:sweetberniceturtle pls i have a hat and blonde short hair
You are my favorit youtube
Other people memorising the maps when playing
Me who just ran around the map
If anyone is still rewatching Turtles videos, that means your probably a true fan!!! Love you turtle!
Kathvin is chinese bc he said 吗的 thats chinese it means UGH
turtle pls tell me how u hit people on pc as beast thx bye
Alguem br
My sister sent you a friend request on Roblox and her thing is jadeypoopoo561
The thumbnail 😩😩
I’m level 118 right now
he doubled jumped
thats how
I love how you do funny sound affects it makes me laugh
Turtles hair reminds me of hatsume miku :>
How did you make the thumbnail tho turtle-
Its so funny lol! 😂😂🐢
Did captain freeze
i wanna join one of your vids plzz
Im laughing about the pic of the video
How is your eyesight so good😮❤
Hiiii turtlewearraincoats!!!!CAN YOU PLS ADD ME IN ROBLOX UR MY FAV YOUTUBER!!!!!!!
Hello turtle just a tip if you have a hard time going through the garbage fence you can actually just juke the beast or go through the vent by jumping in stop and press shift
Hopefully that's helps 😉
Also another tip if you're by the garage and the beast is chasing you and you go on top of the roof you can actually jump and stop and do shift and go through the vant
I might be super so sick but since you posted a new video you made my day a lot better thank you turtle💙💙💙💙🙁
Hii turtle I Hope Ur having a nice day I was getting up hyped up went Arturo was the beast
I don’t know how u see that we’ll I’m so blind in that map and I’m probably younger than you
I play free the facility I'm a big fan to
Turtle hi
I love you so much turtle