Ich habe noch ein paar Trades, ich hoffe es hat euch gefallen! ♥ Bitte teilen Sie das Video und abonnieren Sie es für mehr Inhalte. Was hält dich …
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Ich habe noch ein paar Trades, ich hoffe es hat euch gefallen! ♥ Bitte teilen Sie das Video und abonnieren Sie es für mehr Inhalte. Was hält dich …
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dang that profit man
Parallax 15 keys lost profit
Not worth it
why is it called from nothing to something if you start with crimson zombas and parallax xD and btw with an exeption of your first trade no trade was getting you any profit
and your first trade was like 1 keys profit xD… sry but thats just normal trading to me and i know what i speak about, I bought 80 keys in total and now my inventory is worth 200 Keys
(no hate just my oppinion)
0:27 not worth sorry
Nice Vids I enjoy them Keep up the good work just letting you know my steam name on rocket league is jackleebrown
The first trade was bad cause Crimson Zombas are 19-20 keys and Hexed is 25-26 keys, and u added Parallax and more, its bad m8
dirst is bad trade dom=2.5 para=15 zomba=15 so its 32.5 big overpay
Kronusis I'm going to sub and like ur vids
Np Kronusis
Parallax didnt worth 2 keys! It worth 13!
u call this nothing to something smh
Omg now you have 100 subs becose i sub you grate vid
Are u on steam and if u are can i add u??
Well done, you can buy keys to get insane value instead of doing actually trade with ur items
2+13+16=29 xd hard scammed
hexed is worth 20 keys u nob head
How do I find the value in keys of items?
hexed is 24-27 keys and sprials are .5
this was a voor video!
you are damn stupid
Why is it Called nothing to something when You start With parallax and dominus GT and crimson zomba XD
Why is it Called nothing to something when You start With parallax and dominus GT and crimson zomba XD
I know your cheating ur meant to start on 6 crates or 4 keys
Para is not 2 keys
Heat ain't 30
That was not a nothing to sokething
Now hexed is 20k
why did u never play 1 game inbetween the tradings?
Hexed is now 12k and ur offer 25k
anyone got parallax skin I need it sooooo badly